Cody Rhodes Calls Out WWE’s Production Methods

During an appearance on Cheap Heat with Peter Rosenberg, Cody Rhodes commented on WWE’s production methods:

“The way Kevin Dunn shoots WWE, not so much the booking of it, it’s set the ball up for us. We wanted to be an alternative. When you’re counter programmed on your night, you are competing. You’re no longer just an alternative. But what we’re doing is completely different. The only thing you’ll recognize is the ring. Everything else we’re doing is different wrestling. That’s why it’s fun to poke fun at it, not in a mean spirited way. All of these rules that have been in place for 20 years, they’re not wrestling rules. They’re WWE rules. ‘It’s a contract signing, there has to be a fight.’ ‘The person can’t just look at the monitor, they have to stand to the side because that’s how Kevin likes to shoot it. It’s nonsense. It worked for them until it stopped working for them. We’re happy to do wrestling the way we want to do it.”