AEW Collision Review – January 20, 2024

AEW Collision Review – January 20, 2024

Jon Moxley vs. Shane Taylor

Jon Moxley & Shane Taylor exchanged blows to start this match before Taylor initially got the upper hand but Moxley responded with a series of kicks and chops.

Moxley hits Taylor with a clothesline but Taylor no sold it and drops Moxley with a forearm.

Taylor chops Moxley in the corner several times before Moxley powers up and exchanged blows with Taylor then Taylor whips Moxley into the corner and hits a running lariat. 

Taylor missed a dive in the corner then Moxley attempted a piledriver but Taylor backdrops him. Moxley rolls to the apron and Taylor knocks him to the floor.

Taylor attacks Moxley on the floor but Moxley recovers and threw Taylor into the ring steps.

Taylor rolls back in the ring and distracted the referee which allowed Lee Moriarty to attack Moxley with a boot to the face.

Back in the ring Taylor hit a side slam on Moxley and grabs a neck hold which also put pressure on the arm.

Moxley responded with a back suplex but Taylor reversed it and landed on top of Moxley for a near fall before Taylor missed a splash from the 2nd rope.

They exchanged blows again before Taylor blocks a pump kick but Moxley hits a cutter.

Moxley hit a lariat in the corner and hits 10 punches on the ropes before Taylor ducked a running lariat and hits a back suplex.

Taylor missed a clothesline of his own and Moxley returns the favor with a back suplex.

Moxley hits a King Kong lariat and went for Paradigm Shift but Taylor blocks it and hits a lariat of his own.

Both men exchanged headbutts before Taylor hits a knee strike followed by a pop up slam.

Moxley hooked Taylor in a triangle choke but Taylor deadlifted him to break the hold then Taylor mounted Moxley and hits a series of forearms.

Moxley reversed this and delivered strikes of his own then Moxley hits 2 running knees to the head for a near fall.

They went back to exchanging blows before Moxley grabs a Rear Naked Choke and Taylor passes out.

Winner By Submission: Jon Moxley

After the match Moxley grabs the microphone and told the fans that he is pissed off and hungry beyond belief. He said from now on, he’s not taking any crap from anyone or anything. In 2024 he said that anyone who wants to step in the ring with him, either as an opponent or a partner, they only need to do one thing keep the hell up.

We get a recap of the AEW World Title match from Dynamite.

Adam Copeland vs. Dante Martin

Adam Copeland & Dante Martin shook hands to start this match before Copeland quicky grabs a headlock and drops Martin with a shoulder block before Martin rebounded with 2 leapfrogs and 2 arm drags.

He missed the 3rd one but Copeland missed an elbow drop allowing Martin to hit a 3rd arm drag and grab the arm but Copeland rebounded and attacks Martin in the corner.

Martin whips Copeland into the corner but Copeland kicks him when Martin charged in.

Martin charged back as he places Copeland on the top rope & hits a jump kick and a series of punches before Copeland pushed him off.

Copeland missed a crossbody and Martin hits a rolling senton splash for a near fall.

Martin kicks Copeland into the corner and charged but Copeland backdrops him onto the apron.

Copeland blocks a kick and rams Martin into the turnbuckle as Martin fell to the floor as we go to a break.

After the break Copeland had Martin in a headlock but Martin elbowed his way out and Copeland claps the ears then went back to the headlock. Martin fought his way out and hits a jump kick to the head.

Copeland attempted to throw Martin over the top rope but Martin lands on the apron.

Copeland went for the spear but Martin moved and kicks Copeland in the head then Martin attempted to springboard into the ring but Copeland knocked him off the top rope.

Copeland attempted to powerbomb Martin on the floor but Martin fought his way out.

Martin hits a hurricanrana to Copeland on the floor followed by a suicide dive over the top rope. Martin hit a crossbody for a two count.

Martin went for a backdrop but Copeland kicked him in the head when he ducked.

Copeland reversed a half and half suplex into a DDT then went for the spear but Martin moved and Copeland crashed into the corner then Martin hits a moonsault for a near fall but Copeland’s foot was on the rope.

Copeland & Martin battled on the top rope and Martin turned into a sunset flip followed by a powerbomb for a near fall. Martin dropped Copeland’s arm over the top rope.

Martin went for a dive off the middle of the top rope and was met with a spear then Copeland follows up with Grindhouse for the win.

Winner By Submission: Adam Copeland

After the match Tony Schiavone entered the ring to interview Copeland and said that he was just in a hell of a fight. Copeland responded that it gets harder and harder every week and wondered what the hell he was thinking with the Cope Open. Schiavone said he was now 3-0. Copeland said he gives all the credit in the world to Dante Martin and the fans should too. He said these kids have really been stepping up and that he doesn’t see any veterans taking the challenge. He said the kids are hungry and want to take a bite out of him. He said that there’s a lot to bite but he’s not a Happy Meal, he’s a 5 course dinner. He said he doesn’t even know what that means but he’s going to keep coming out and working hard just like TNT Champion Christian Cage said he was going to when he 1st came to AEW. He added that he was going to keep working until he wins back the TNT Title so that he can defend it every Saturday night. He had the crowd get loud and said that the next time he’s in St. Louis, he’ll be the TNT Champion.

Lexy Nair interviewed Blackpool Combat Club’s Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli. Nair said that the last time both of them were in the ring with Eddie Kingston it was during the Continental Classic and he beat them both individually. She asked Danielson how he was feeling. Danielson said he was good until she brought that up as the loss to Kingston was a low point of his career.  He added that this was the highlight of Kingston’s career and that it was a good run but it doesn’t make him great. Being great means that you’re that good year after year like he & Castagnoli have. He said that this is the best that Kingston is going to get. Castagnoli stops Danielson and said he was tired of talking about Kingston after all these years. He added that it was Ortiz’s fault for being Kingston’s friend and that tonight he’ll be another casualty.

After the break Lexy Nair interviewed Dante Martin as he was joined by Darius Martin & Action Andretti. Nair congratulated Dante on his performance against Adam Copeland. Private Party interrupted and noted that they beat Top Flight on Dynamite. Andretti said they may have won but they had to grab the rope to do it. Marq Quen said that he lost his balance. Darius suggested they have a rematch to which Private Party agreed.

Thunder Rosa vs. Queen Aminata

Match starts off with a lock up before Thunder Rosa quickly grabs a headlock before she reversed an arm bar and delivered a chop and took Queen Aminata down with a side headlock takeover.

Rosa rolls Aminata up for a two count and took her down with a shoulder block. Rosa caught Aminata in another roll up for a two count.

They exchanged roll ups for one counts before Aminata caught Rosa with a backbreaker followed by a double stomp to the chest.

Rosa took Aminata down with a headscissors which drove Aminata out of the ring then Rosa followed up with a sliding dropkick as we go to a break.

After the break Rosa & Aminata exchanged blows as Rosa got the upper hand but Aminata took her over with a snapmare and kicks Rosa in the back followed by a hip attack in the corner before Aminata missed a 2nd one.

Rosa attacks Aminata in the corner and hits double knees to the chest followed by a northern lights suplex for a near fall.

They exchanged blows and Aminata got the upper hand with a headbutt followed by an Air Raid Crash for a near fall. Aminata went for the double stomp but Rosa kicked her away.

Aminata lands a boot to the head for a near fall before Rosa responded with a dropkick followed by Tijuana Bomb for the win.

Winner: Thunder Rosa

Lexy Nair interviewed Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & Ortiz. She said that it was a long time since they had teamed. Ortiz said that they had a little tiff and that it was resolved because they’re family and families fight. He said that Danielson & Castagnoli may be a well oiled machine but they’re not family. Kingston wraps the interview up and said he had to go get ready. Ortiz said that Kingston does his best talking in the ring.

After the break Austin Gunn said Finally, the Bang Bang Gang has come back to Saturday nights! Jay White said that he had never heard that before and played to the St. Louis crowd. He said that while there was a different vibe, something was missing. Colten Gunn pulls a cardboard cutout of Juice Robinson from under the ring. Colten said that now that the gang is back together and they’re the best trio in the world if you’re not down with that, we got two words for ya.

Trios Champions The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn came out to congratulate Bullet Club Gold and said that both groups are champions but they could do so much more. Max Caster said it’s one thing to get to the top of AEW but another thing to stay there. He said they got there individually and just think what would happen if they were a super group. He said they would be unstoppable in the ring, in the back and with the people. Caster said he knows the people want to see Billy Gunn with singles gold. He added that he knows that the people want to see The Acclaimed as AEW World Tag Team Champions and Jay White as AEW World Champion.

Anthony Bowens asked for an answer as the fan deserved it. The Acclaimed & Gunn offered the scissor handshake and after hesitating Bullet Club Gold accepted.

Women’s Champion Toni Storm, Mariah May & Luther were shown backstage after Dynamite. Storm said she remembers Deonna Purrazzo from their dojo days in Japan. She said she was jealous of Purrazzo’s technical prowess and that she couldn’t help her rampant sexuality. She said she will meet, greet and beat Purrazzo and then she will eat her and proclaimed that she was ready for her pork dinner.

Daniel Garica vs. Buddy Matthews

Buddy Matthews knocks Daniel Garcia down with a series of shoulder blocks as Garcia rolls out of the ring.

Garcia re enters & no sold 2 shoulder blocks then knocks Matthews out of the ring with a shoulder block of his own.

Both teams climbed on the apron as the show went to a picture in picture break.

After the break they battled on the ring apron before Matthews caught Garcia with a knee strike. Garcia responded with a piledriver on the apron.

FTR stared down House Of Black as both wrestlers got back in the ring just before the 10 count.

They exchanged blows and Garcia eventually got the upper hand with a series of blows before ramming Matthews’ knee into the ring post then grabs a Figure 4 with Matthews’ legs wrapped around the ring post.

Garcia hits a chop block in the ring and slaps on a Sharpshooter before Matthews slams Garcia’s head into the mat to break the hold.

Matthews hits 2 knee strikes then hits a jackhammer for a near fall before Matthews missed a Curb Stomp as Garcia did his dance on his knees.

Matthews hits a knee strike and went for the powerbomb but Garcia rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Daniel Garica

After the match House Of Black brawled with FTR & Garcia as a slew of wrestlers, referees and security guards came out to break up the fight to no avail as we go to a break.

After the break Lexy Nair was with FTR & Daniel Garcia. Dax Harwood challenged the House of Black to a Trios Elimination match for next week inside a Steel Cage.

Roderick Strong vs. Matt Sydal

Roderick Strong & Matt Sydal do some basic chain wrestling to start this match before Sydal hits a pair of hurricanranas and a dropkick to send Strong to the outside.

Sydal dove onto Strong on the outside as as we go to a break.

After the break Strong caught Sydal in a backbreaker for a near fall before Sydal took Strong down again and hit a series of kicks. Sydal hits double knees from the top rope for a near fall.

Sydal rolls Strong up for a near fall followed by an Air Raid Crash for another near fall then Strong hits a knee strike then End of Heartache for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong

Tag Team Match
Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & Ortiz vs. Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli)

Eddie Kingston & Bryan Danielson starts this match as they took turns playing to the crowd which Kingston won so Danielson kicks Kingston in the back.

They exchanged kicks and Kingston was able to snapmare Danielson over and hits his own kick to the back followed by a chop.

Ortiz tags in and got trapped in the corner & Claudio Castagnoli tags in and got the advantage with a series of European uppercuts before Ortiz avoided a double team and took on both men.

They got the advantage of him and hit a series of attacks in the corner as Castagnoli drops Ortiz on the top turnbuckle as we go to a break.

After the break Castagnoli had a chin lock on Ortiz but Ortiz took Castagnoli over and went for the hot tag and was caught in the giant swing.

Castagnoli gave the f*ck you sign to Kingston as Danielson tags in and hit a series of kicks.

Ortiz hits a clothesline on Danielson and made the hot tag to Kingston & Kingston traded chops, kicks and strikes with Castagnoli.

Kingston hits Machine Gun Chops in the corner followed by an exploder suplex for a near fall. Castagnoli followed up with a short arm lariat for a two count.

Castagnoli tags in Danielson & he hits a flying headbutt as Ortiz & Castagnoli battled on the outside. Blackpool Combat Club double teamed Kingston but he took them both on for a bit.

Danielson rolls up Kingston for a near fall then Ortiz dropkicks Danielson into a German suplex by Kingston then a cover but that was broken up by Castagnoli.

Ortiz & Kingston knocked Castagnoli out of the ring and Ortiz dove onto Danielson on the other side of the ring.

Kingston dove onto Castagnoli as Ortiz covers Danielson for a near fall. Danielson stomps on Ortiz while Kingston was down in the corner then follows up with Busaiku Knee for the win.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club

After the match Kingston checks on Ortiz while Blackpool Combat Club stood over them. Danielson said something to Kingston and spat on him as Kingston looks befuddled as the BCC left the ring to close out this week’s Collision.

Wednesday’s Dynamite

Minoru Suzuki vs. Adam Copeland

Trios Titles Match
The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & Billy Gunn (c) vs. Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Wardlow vs. Trent Beretta

Jeff Hardy vs. Swerve Strickland

Pentagon Jr vs. Hangman Page

Next Week’s Collision

Tag Team Match
Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Trios Elimination Steel Cage Match
House Of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King & Buddy Matthews) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & Daniel Garica