AEW Dark Results – October 25, 2022
Lance Archer vs. Isaiah Brown
Isaiah Brown delivers a knee then he ascends to the top but Lance Archer moves out of the way and hits a shoulder tackle. Archer chokeslams Brown then delivers an overhead suplex followed by a lariat.
He delivers a forearm to Brown’s chest, then hits a few back elbows. He looks for a chokeslam but Brown escapes and delivers a chop block. He follows it up with a back elbow and a boot, but Archer manages to knock him to the outside before tossing him back in and hitting The Blackout for the win.
Winner: Lance Archer
Zack Clayton vs. Shane Saber
Match starts off with a lock up then Zack Clayton delivers a forearm followed by an uppercut and a pair of stomps then Shane Saber fires back with a few forearms but Clayton tosses him into the corner.
He delivers a dropkick, then goes for a pin but Saber kicks out. Clayton hits a kick to Saber’s back then delivers a knee drop and an uppercut then he sends Saber bouncing off the top rope then hits a clothesline and a diving knee drop to the back of his head.
He goes for a pin, but Saber kicks out. Saber hits several elbows to Clayton’s midsection, but Clayton fires back with the Fisherman’s Buster for the win.
Winner: Zack Clayton
Athena vs. Alexa Nicole
Match begins with Alexa Nicole delivers a tijeras, followed by a dropkick. Athena looks for a delayed vertical suplex but Nicole escapes. Athena hits a hip attack followed by a clothesline. She hits a high boot then follows it up with a modified lung blower for the win.
Winner: Athena
After the match Athena holds up Nicole’s hand as a sign of respect.
Danhausen vs. James Stone
Match starts off with Danhausen & James Strone lock up. Danhausen delivers several stomps to Stone then delivers a forearm. Stone knocks Danhausen to the mat, then fires off several right hands.
He delivers a chop, then whips him into the corner. Danhausen manages to hit a German suplex then locks in a shoulder submission for the win.
Winner By Submission: Danhausen
Aaron Solo vs. Serpentico
Aaron Solo rolls to the outside then he whispers something to Dasha Gonzalez. She announces that he told her that QT Marshall is not there to accompany him to the ring. He gets back in the ring and Serpentico knocks him to the outside. Solo calls for someone and it turns out QT Marshall is there.
He heads down as Serpentico takes advantage of Solo being distracted by delivering a dropkick. Serpentico hits a tijeras, then follows it up with a running flatliner and goes for a pin but Solo kicks out. Serpentico hits an enziguri but Solo knocks him out of the ring.
Marshall hits a few stomps while the referee is distracted. Solo tosses him back in the ring before Serpentico delivers a pair of back elbows and hits a cannonball off the top. He goes for a pin, but Solo kicks out.
Marshall & Luther begin to brawl on the outside distracting Serpentico and allowing Solo to hit a Corkscrew Kick for the win.
Winner: Aaron Solo
Riho vs. Jungle Kyona
Match begins with a lock up then hey exchange submissions before Jungle Kyona escapes and looks for a diving headbutt. Riho moves out of the way and delivers a knee to Kyona’s midsection.
She looks for a crossbody but Kyona catches her and delivers a fallaway slam. Kyona sends Riho flying across the ring then delivers a dropkick to her back. She goes for a pin, but Riho kicks out.
Riho delivers a hurricanrana then follows it up with a Tiger Feint Kick then hits a northern lights suplex then ascends to the top rope but Kyona meets her there and Riho hits a diving stomp. Kyona hits an elbow but Riho locks in the Guillotine.
Kyona counters it into a vertical suplex, then follows it up with a sliding lariat. She sets up for a Muscle Buster but Riho fires back with a dropkick and the flying double stomp. She goes for a pin but Kyona kicks out. Riho hits the running double knees for the win.
Winner: Riho
Tag Team Match
Trios Champions Lucha Bros vs. The Workhorsemen
We begin this match with Lucha Bros get into The Workhorsemen’s face then both teams begin to brawl before The Workhorsemen knocks down Lucha Bros. Anthony Henry delivers several stomps to Pentagon Jr then tags in JD Drake.
Drake delivers a swinging neckbreaker then goes for a pin but Pentagon kicks out. Rey Fenix tags in and delivers a running knee then goes for a pin but Drake kicks out. Penta tags in and hits Drake with a sling blade.
Pentagon hits the Package Piledriver then goes for a cover but Drake shoves Fenix into the fall to break it up. Lucha Bros hits the assisted Fear Factory on Henry for the win.
Winners: Trios Champions Lucha Bros
Tag Team Match
Emi Sakura & Serena Deeb vs. Taylor Rising & KC Spinelli
Serena Deeb & Taylor Rising starts this match with them locking up then they exchange submissions before KC Spinelli tags in & they lock up then Deeb tags in Emi Sakura. Sakura delivers the butterfly backbreaker, then has a cup of tea.
Spinelli tags in Rising and she delivers a crossbody to Sakura. Sakura fires back with a modified DDT, then delivers her signature chops. She follows it up with a diving crossbody, then sends Rising into the top turnbuckle.
Deeb tags in and locks in a shoulder & neck submission but Spinelli breaks it up and knocks Deeb to the mat. She tags in and looks for a full nelson but Deeb manages to counter it into the Deeb Tox.
Rising tries to get in the ring but Sakura meets her there and locks in the Dragon Sleeper while Deeb locks in the Serenity Lock for the win.
Winners By Submission: Emi Sakura & Serena Deeb
Ricky Starks vs. Nick Comoroto
Ricky Starks & Nick Comoroto lock up to get this match going then Starks slaps Comoroto before Comoroto fires back with a shoulder tackle and an uppercut. Starks delivers a leaping shoulder tackle on the outside before Comoroto sends him into the apron gut first and tosses him back into the ring.
He delivers a shoulder to his midsection then hits a body slam and an elbow drop. He goes for a pin but Starks kicks out. Comoroto whips Starks into the bottom turnbuckle then drives his boot into Starks’ face.
Comoroto delivers another body slam then looks for an elbow drop. Starks rolls out of the way and hits a forearm then he hits a running back elbow then follows it up with a clothesline and a tornado DDT.
Comoroto delivers a spinebuster, then goes for a pin but Starks kicks out. Comoroto sends Starks into the corner, but Starks fires back with the crucifix bomb and a spear. He delivers the powerbomb for the win.
Winner: Ricky Starks