AEW Rampage Review – March 8, 2024

AEW Rampage Review – March 8, 2024

Tag Team Match
Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) vs. Kip Sabian & The Butcher

Trent Beretta & The Butcher lock up then Beretta hits an enzuigiri to Butcher and lands a chop then follows it up with a shoulder tackle.

Kip Sabian tags in and Beretta whips him into the corner then lands a back body drop and tags in Cassidy. Best Friends double team on Sabian before Cassidy lands a tornado DDT.

Butcher gets into the ring sending Cassidy crashing into the mat and following it up with a backbreaker as we go to a break.

After the break Cassidy puts his hands into his pocket and sends both Sabian & Butcher crashing out of the ring. Beretta becomes legal and hits a jumping knee to Sabian.

He follows it up with a pair of German suplexes and hits a crossbody over the top rope to Butcher on the outside.

He gets back in and hits a German suplex before Butcher hits a backbreaker to Cassidy.

Sabian ascends to the top rope and hits a double stomp to Beretta.

Beretta catches Sabian with a German suplex and Cassidy hits The Butcher with Orange Punch then Beretta follows it up with Dudebuster for the win.

Winners: Best Friends

After the match Best Friends hug in the center of the ring.

After the break we head backstage and see Renee Paquette ask Ruby Soho how Angelo Parker is doing after Zak Knight attacked him last week. Soho says doctors think Parker has torn a couple ligaments then tells Saraya she hates her. She says Saraya is ugly deep down inside and calls her a bad person. She puts Saraya on notice and tells them that her and her family will get what’s coming to them.

TBS Title House Rules Match
Julia Hart (c) vs. Robyn Renegade

Match starts off with a lock up before Julia Hart sends Robyn Renegade’s head repeatedly crashing into the mat and fires off strikes on her in the corner.

She jams her knee into the back of Renegade’s neck and suplexes her then whips her into the mat.

Renegade fires off a couple of left and right hands on Hart’s midsection but Hart locks in a Sleeper.

Renegade charges at Hart in the corner but Hart ducks out of the way then lands a clothesline and a kick then locks in Hartless for the submission win.

Winner By Submission & Still TBS Champion: Julia Hart (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)

We then head backstage to a message from Saraya, Harley Cameron & Zak Knight. Saraya tells Soho that everything that has happened is all her fault and tells her to wait and see what they do to Angelo Parker next. Cameron notices 3 men hanging out in the background and Saraya knocks a solo cup out of one of their hands. The drink ends up spilling on Knight & Saraya asks the man what he did to her brother. Knight attacks him.

Action Andretti vs. Pentagon Jr

Match starts off with a lock up before Action Andretti hits a hurricanrana to Pentagon but Pentagon responds with a Sling Blade.

Andretti lands a tornado DDT but Penta connects with a chop on Andretti on the outside.

Andretti hits a superkick to Pentagon off the apron and follows it up with a hurricanrana off the apron as we go to a break.

After the break Andretti hits a senton to Pentagon on the outside then gets him back in the ring and flies but Pentagon catches him with a superkick.

Andretti lands a Spanish Fly on Pentagon but Pentagon sends him crashing into the mat.

Andretti looks to hit a corkscrew off the top rope but Pentagon catches him with a kick then follows it up with Fear Factor for the win.

Winner: Pentagon Jr

Triple Threat Tag Team Match
Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) vs. Komander & Bryan Keith

Isiah Kassidy & Bryan Keith lock up before Kassidy immediately tags out to Marq Quen before Dante Martin tags himself in and locks up with Keith.

Dante lands a jumping knee of Keith then follows it up with a back elbow.

Darius Martin tags in before all 6 men begin brawling with one another in the center of the ring.

Top Flight hits dropkicks to Private Party and they begin brawling on the outside as we go to a break.

After the break Keith looks to land an enzuigiri on Kassidy but Kassidy ducks out of the way and whips Keith into the corner. Keith hits a variation of a backbreaker to Kassidy and tags in Darius.

Darius hits a kick to Kassidy’s head but Komander tags in and hits a dropkick off the top rope to Darius. Quen & Keith begin brawling and Quen low bridges Keith out of the ring.

Dante makes the blind tag in and hits a clothesline to Quen before Komander rolls him up but Dante kicks out.

Darius tags in and Dante lands a superkick on Komander then plants him face first for the win.

Winners: Top Flight