Alex Shelley Recalls Mood Backstage In TNA After Scott D’Amore Was Fired

Former TNA Wrestling star Alex Shelley spoke with Mark O’Brien of on Irish Wrestling & Entertainment on a number of topics including Scott D’Amore’s exit.

Shelley said, “It was very sad. Again, the sense of loss was quite strong. The other thing that I had experience in, but now many other people did, there were a handful of us who we’ve been through these situations where the booker has changed, and it’s scary if you’ve not been through it because you don’t know if your livelihood is going to get taken from you.”

On the unhappiness among the roster in regard to the firing:

“I think I had to talk a lot of people off a ledge. I was happy to do that because that’s what you do for your brothers and sisters. That’s what you do when you’re part of a team, and I think everybody’s done really well.”

You can check out Shelley’s comments in the video below.