Alundra Blayze recently appeared as a guest on the Just ALYX program for an in-depth interview covering all things pro wrestling.
During the discussion, the women’s wrestling legend and WWE Hall of Famer spoke about how her appearance at the WWE Monday Night Rae 30th Anniversary special event (Raw Is XXX) came about.
Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview where she touches on this topic.
On how it was an honor for her to be called for Raw Is XXX: “It was an honor to be called. They did call me a month or two before that and asked me to go. Then like three weeks before, they said, ‘Oh, schedule change.’ And I’m used to that because they always did that. They change it a month ahead, three weeks, two nights before, and the night of the show. They always change the card.”
On how WWE asked her to play poker on Raw XXX, something she didn’t know how to do: “Then they called me two nights before and said, ‘Blaze, can you still come?’ I’m like, what? Oh my gosh, let me see. So you don’t know going in, and you kind of negotiate beforehand on what are we doing. They told me they were gonna have me play poker. And I’m like, I don’t know how to play poker. They were like, ‘Blayze, it’s scripted.’ And I’m like, Oh, that’s right.”
On the criticism that WWE didn’t feature enough women on Raw Is XXX: “My thought when I did see a little bit of that was like, what is all of this? And then I started thinking, well, I was the only woman legend there. That was an honor. I thought maybe they’d be praising that, at least. You know, having one of their older peers there. But I didn’t see any of that. If they were so upset, why wouldn’t they say? Why did Blayze not have anything better for her than just a poker game? So it goes both ways. I guess to have one there is great. But then again, it could have been more than a poker game. I’m just saying.”
Check out more from the Alundra Blayze interview via the YouTube players embedded below. H/T to SEScoops.com for transcribing the above quotes.