Athena Reportedly Hurt During This Past Thursday’s ROH TV Taping

(Photo Credit: ROH)

According to, ROH Women’s World Champion Athena hurt her left leg during her match with Viva Van at the ROH TV taping this past Thursday night.

The report mentioned a spot in the match where Athena charged at Van, but Van ducked and pulled the middle rope down. “The Fallen Goddess” Athena then went through the ropes and landed awkwardly on the floor. Athena was limping when she stood up, and it appears she was telling the ringside doctors that she was hurt since the match ended at that very moment.

After the match, Athena stayed in character, but she did not put any weight on her left leg as she headed to the back. She is said to have been checked out after the match, but there’s no confirmation on the severity of her injury and how long she will be out of action.