Cesaro Talks About A Possible Singles Run and His Mic Skills

Cesaro recently did an interview with Newsweek.com and here are a few highlights…

You mention improving your talking and I’ve noticed you have had more mic time these past few weeks. Is that something you’re improving and it’s getting noticed or are you just finally getting an opportunity to do more promos?

“A little bit of both. I’ve been working on that forever [Laughs]. English is not my first language so for me it’s harder. A lot of stuff gets mixed up in my head, I’ll mix up words and sayings. I had a good one like ‘taking the kid from the candy’ or one of my better ones is ‘out of blue field’ which is a mix of ‘out of left field’ and ‘out of the blue’ so I mess up stuff, I mix stuff up, my accent sometimes people don’t understand it. So I was always focusing on that and now I’m getting the chance to talk more and once people hear my voice more often it will help me and everybody. Fortunately enough, I’ve had my chance to get on the microphone more and it’s been fun. It’s something I constantly work on and hope to improve.”

Does not having fans make improving your mic skills easier or make it easier to get your personality out there?

“No, I mean, I miss them so much. Me and Sami [Zayn] did a promo in Vancouver that went completely off the rails. And when I say off the rails it was with Elias and the crowd went absolutely crazy. We did a little song and we had the cowbell and a ukulele and we had a whole song, but we didn’t have time for it because the crowd went so crazy and that’s the magic that I miss.

Now that there’s no crowd I’m taking advantage of that like when I go over to [commentator] Michael Cole and talk to him and the cameras pick it up because there’s no crowd noise. I try and take advantage of different things and make it special. Get the people involved at home.”

You’ve become an accomplished tag team wrestler, but you’ve held singles gold. Do you want another singles run sooner rather than later?

“I was going to say ‘not enough gold’ [Laughs]. The goal is to always be WWE World Heavyweight Champion. That’s the goal for everyone in WWE and that’s 100 percent my goal. And not just for me, but for all of Europe. For all of our international fans. I want to get in there and win one. It’s just part of the journey. I’m glad I’m alright and the Cesaro Section all over the world is following me on this [journey], but that’s still my goal.”