Elijah On His Friendship With Kevin Owens, Discusses Facing Him In The Ring

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Former WWE star Elijah recently spoke with Monopoly Events’ For The Love Of Wrestling on a number of topics including his friendship with Kevin Owens.

Elijah said, “Me and Kev have a lot of great moments, together and against each other. We formed a friendship really quickly in WWE. He’s one of the best guys around. … Kev is awesome. He’s always got my back.”

On facing Owens in the ring:

“Fighting him in the ring is brutal. He is a very physical guy. He hits hard, he slams hard, he’s heavy when he jumps on you. But he’s an amazing wrestler. Always has classic, great matches. He’s just so exciting. I just think me and him have a lot of chemistry.”

You can check out Elijah’s comments in the video below.