Frankie Kazarian Says He Pushed Hard For Nic Nemeth To Join TNA Wrestling

(Photo Credit: TNA Wrestling)

TNA Wrestling star Frankie Kazarian recently spoke with WrestleSphere on a number of topics including how he pushed hard for Nic Nemeth (F.K.A. Dolph Ziggler in WWE) to join the company and how Nemeth has been a dream match opponent of his for quite some time.

Kazarian said, “I pushed hard for Nic Nemeth the day that I found out he was going to be available, I put in a call immediately, and a couple of other guys too. He’s a guy that I’ve known for a long time, I have a tremendous amount of respect for him, and he’s a guy that kind of got put in that same box that I’ve kind of been put in at certain points in my career where we were kinf of labeled underrated, you know, the what could have been.”

“He’s had an amazing run that dude, but still going strong and I like to think the same could be said for me, so when you talk about you know, I hate this word, but dream match scenarios, he’s always a guy that I really wanted to get in there, mix it up with.”

“Like I said, tremendous amount of respect for him as an athlete and as a person, so I was very much in favor of getting him in and I’m very, very psyched that he decided to come to TNA.”

You can check out Kazarian’s comments in the video below.