GCW Brooklyn Fight Night Results – May 11, 2023
JCW Title Match
Jordan Oliver (c) vs. Cole Radrick
Match starts off with Jordan Oliver & Cole Radrick shaking hands then they lock up then they each tried to lock in holds on one another but Oliver was able to make it to the ropes. They exchanged wrist locks Oliver struggled to get out of the hold but he caught Radrick with a kick and locked in a head and arm choke and nails him with a dropkick.
They went back and forth for a while with both men working each other over with various submission holds. Radrick took Oliver down with a big shoulder tackle but Oliver responded with a hip toss followed by a big dropkick followed by a plancha to the floor.
Radrick connects with a 619 followed by a Swanton for a near fall then Radrick kicks out a Liger Bomb but was caught with a big boot followed by a powerbomb for the victory.
Winner & Still JCW Champion: Jordan Oliver (12:21) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7
Tag Team Match
The SAT (Jose Maximo & Joel Maximo) vs. Wasted Youth (Dyln McKay & Marcus Mathers)
Joel Maximo & Dyln McKay traded forearms before McKay caught him with a springboard tornado DDT. The SAT took a powder on the floor, and both men tag in Jose Maximo & Marcus Mathers & Mathers hit a combination of kicks followed by a neck dealer for a near fall, McKay tags back in which gave Mathers the chance to connect with a dropkick.
Wasted Youth ran wild by hitting stereo dives to the floor but The SAT was able to cut them off and they began to work over Mathers in the corner and with the tandem offense. McKay was able to hit a moonsault but the pin was broken up The SAT began making quick tags as they continued to attack McKay, they made hot tags to their partners, Mathers ran wild, hitting a Swanton Bomb but it only got a two count.
Both teams battled in the stage, Mathers hit a cutter then they double teamed Joel and hits a rolling senton into a 450 Splash but he again kicks out at 2 then Wasted Youth calls for Spanish Fly but The SAT fought back by hitting a avalanche Washing Machine followed by Spanish Fly for the victory.
Winners: The SAT (13:57)
Rate: 6
Alex Coughlin vs. 1 Called Manders
Match starts off with a lock up then they broke the hold and tried a knuckle lock exchange but Alex Coughlin locks in a cravat and 1 Called Manders misses with a clothesline. They started exchanging chops in the center of the ring before they went to the floor and exchanged a couple more, they teased a suplex on the floor but Manders broke free and connected with a chop.
Coughlin recovered and dumps Manders on the floor with a scoop slam then he started to work over Manders’ arm in an attempt to neutralize the lariat. Coughlin had Manders up in a delayed suplex but Manders escaped and tossed Coughlin on the ropes then they started pecking each other with chops and strikes, Coughlin backs Manders up in the corner and connects with a series of chops then they exchanged headbutts and Manders attempted a running powerslam.
Coughlin escaped but was caught with a lariat for a near fall. Manders stacked Coughlin up on the top rope but Coughlin reversed it and connected with more vicious chops and brought Manders back into the ring with a top rope overhead suplex but Manders broke up the pin attempt after he grabbed the bottom rope.
They started slapping each other across the chest and face then Manders connected with 2 lariats but Coughlin kicks out. Manders called for a 3rd but Coughlin blocks it and hit Gutwrench into an armbreaker for the victory.
Winner: Alex Coughlin (12:03)
Rate: 7
Sawyer Wreck vs. Rob Shit
Match starts off with Sawyer Wreck blasted Rob Shit with a headbutt and tossed him across the ring. Wreck grabs a chair and Shit bails to the floor. They each grab a chair and had a little duel & Wreck won that battle and kicks a chair into Shit’s face.
Wreck grabs 2 beers in an attempt to lure Shit back into the ring once he gets in the ring Wreck slaps him across the ear. Shit kicks a chair into her face but Wreck responded with a big boot follow by a slam for a near fall.
Wreck sets a door up in each corner and chokeslams Shit through both doors to get the win.
Winner: Sawyer Wreck (5:54)
Rate: 4
Charles Mason vs. Jimmy Lloyd
Jimmy Lloyd took Charles Mason off his feet with a series of shoulder blocks followed by a big dive to the floor, Lloyd retrieved a door and set it up on the floor, Lloyd teased powerbombing Mason out of the ring but Mason escaped and spit water in his face and started to beat down on Lloyd. Lloyd was planted headfirst on the apron but still was able to kick out at two.
Mason took off his belt and started to whip Lloyd but he escapes to the apron where he was able to muscle Mason up and sent him crashing through the door on the floor. Lloyd grabs the belt and started to beat Mason with it then Lloyd set up 2 chairs on their side and attempted to plant Mason on them but Mason reversed and sent Jimmy crashing onto the chairs for a quick pin attempt Lloyd hits him with a package piledriver for another near fall.
Lloyd sets Mason Up on the chair but Mason recovered and whips Lloyd across the face with his belt then sent him crashing through a chair with a top rope Death Valley Driver then goes for the cover but Lloyd kicks out before Mason wraps the belt around Lloyd’s neck for the victory.
Winner: Charles Mason (10:07)
Rate: 6
Non Title Match
Extreme Champion Joey Janela vs. Blake Christian
Joey Janela tried to lock up with Blake Christian but Christian bails to the floor then Janela connected with a series of right hands followed by a back elbow, Janela shot him into the corner and sent Christian crashing back first into the turnbuckle. Janela crotched Christian on the top rope which gave him the chance to go underneath the ring and retrieve a set of doors, Janela took too much time setting up the doors and he hits Janela with a dropkick followed by a tope assisted door that sent Janela crashing on the floor.
Christian took this time to work over Janela inside the ring much as he works him over with lots of submission moves then hits Janela with 3 Amigos and teased a Frog Splash but Janela cuts him off and hits Christian with a series of German suplex’s followed by a powerbomb for a two count. Christian went to the apron to try and get away from Janela but Janela met him on the apron and tried for a Death Valley Driver but Christian raked Janela’s eyes and hit him with a spear followed by a Frog Splash for a two count.
Janela fired back with 2 consecutive forearms followed by a clothesline that sent Christian onto the stage, Janela was picks out of mid arm with a superkick which gave Christian the opening to hit a Fosbury Flop but Janela caught him and hit him with a German Suplex on the edge of the stage.
Janela climbs to the top rope and went for a lariat but Christian got out of the way and hits him with a standing splash then both men took a moment to catch their breath before they started trading forearm shots in the center of the ring. Janela wins the exchange and hits Christian with a lariat followed by a Death Valley Driver but Christian was able to get his shoulder up at the last second, Janela went to the top rope but Christian recovered and hits him with a top rope X Factor followed by a springboard 450 splash but Janela again kicks out at 2. Janela countered a Spanish Fly with a brainbuster of his own but Christian caught him with a piledriver but Janela kicks out at 2.
Christian went to the floor and retrieved a door and a couple of chairs and set up a door bridge in the center of the ring. Christian had trouble setting up the door which allowed Janela to recover and stack Christian up on the top rope and sent him crashing through the door with a superplex. Janela placed the door over the top of Christian’s body and climbs to the rope to deliver a double stomp he had Christian beat but Charles Mason pulls the ref out of the ring.
Janela chased Mason on the floor which gave Christian the chance to hit Curb Stomp for the victory.
Winner: Blake Christian (20:37)
Rate: 7
GCW World Title Match
Masha Slamovich (c) vs. Alec Price
Alec Price ties up Masha Slamovich with various holds but Slamovich was able to break free and took Price off of his feet with a shoulder block but Price kept kipping up. Price took her off of her feet with a straight right hand followed by a series of chops, Slamovich connected with her own flurry of strikes and repeatedly took him down with a series of snapmares.
They went back & forth with Slamovich connected with a couple of big power moves that stunned Price, Slamovich crawled into a cover but Price was able to kick out at 2 after not being able to hook the leg on a pin attempt. Slamovich went for the sleeper hold but Price blocks it and drops her with a DDT and a standing moonsault but Slamovich was able to kick out.
Slamovich caught Price with a northern lights suplex but Price kicks out and caught her with a big boot right to Slamovich’s face then they exchanged forearms in the center of the ring, Slamovich laid into Price with a series of headbutts followed by a shining wizard but she wasn’t able to follow up with a cover. Slamovich connected with a big clothesline followed by a hook kick for a near fall.
They continued to go back & forth then Price went for a Piledriver on the apron but Slamovich got him up on her shoulders and hit him with an Air Raid Crash on the side of the ring but she was only able to get a two count then she turned it into the sleeper hold for the submission win.
Winner By Submission & Still GCW World Champion: Masha Slamovich (16:24) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!)
Rate: 7
Zack Sabre Jr vs. Tony Deppen
Match starts off with a lock up then Zack Sabre Jr drew Tony Deppen in with a waist lock but Deppen was able to get out of it as they each went to their respective corners to reset. ZSJ took Deppen off of his feet with a Greco Roman Knuckle lock then Deppen tried to use some momentum to get out of it but ZSJ continued the hold.
Deppen was lock in a hammerlock, and ZSJ was wrenching back on his arms but Deppen was able to break free and locked in a hold of his own. Deppen let ZSJ get back to his feet after he grabs the ropes in order to break the hold. They continued to scramble for a position with neither able to land any significant strikes or holds then they lock up again, ZSJ got a full nelson locked in but Deppen reversed it and locked in one of his own.
Deppen was locked in a toe hold but was able to break it after he grabs the bottom rope. ZSJ went for a bow & arrow but Deppen had it scouted and reversed it into a pinning predicament but ZSJ was able to kick out at 2. Deppen charged in and was sent to the apron, he avoided a clothesline but was caught with a cross armbreaker.
Deppen was able to roll onto his stomach and tied up ZSJ himself. They reset once again before they exchanged some words in the center of the ring and started trading uppercuts, ZSJ was taken off of his feet with an uppercut from Deppen but Deppen was trip up with a drop toe hold and had his knees driven directly into the ring by ZSJ.
Deppen was pull back into the center of the ring where ZSJ continued to target his knees and arms with stomps and strikes.
ZSJ started to go to work on Deppen’s fingers and ears before they exchanged uppercuts again, Deppen nails ZSJ with a running double knee but it wasn’t enough to put ZSJ away as he roll through and locked in a variation of the STF. Deppen hits SZJ with a slingshot codebreaker followed by an STO and a senton but ZSJ kicks out again. Deppen was firmly in control as he rained down with elbow strikes followed by a arm drag.
Deppen zeroed in on the arm and shoulder of ZSJ as he tried to inflict enough punishment to put ZSJ away. ZSJ tied Deppen up in the ropes in a submission move, Sabre connected with a vicious penalty kick but was too exhausted to make the cover. Deppen slapped ZSJ across the face, ZSJ responded with a strike of his own as they exchanged European uppercuts then Deppen caught ZSJ in a modified crossface but ZSJ was able to make it to the ropes.
They once again met in the center of the ring, Deppen nails ZSJ with a slap across his face, and ZSJ responded with a couple of shots across Deppen’s ear followed by a Penalty Kick but Deppen kicks out at one. Deppen locks in a submission hold but ZSJ was able to get his boot across the bottom rope and connected with a Pele Kick to Deppen’s arm.
ZSJ hits a beautiful butterfly suplex but Deppen connected with a jumping knee followed by a half & half suplex for a near fall. Deppen went to the top rope but missed with a double stomp, ZSJ locks in an ankle lock but Deppen escaped but was quickly roll up by ZSJ to get the victory.
Winner: Zack Sabre Jr (21:14)
Rate: 7