Jim Ross Shares His Favorite Sting Moment, Comments On How AEW Can Grow

(Photo Credit: AEW)

AEW announcer and Senior Advisor “Good Ole’ J.R.” Jim Ross took to an episode of his “Grilling Jr” podcast to talk about a number of topics including whether Mike Tenay will ever be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.

Ross said, “Unlikely, because of this lack of tenure there. But is he deserving? Absolutely. Mike is an outstanding broadcaster, and a credit to the business. So I miss him on television, I thought he did a great job. And a nice guy, I consider him Mike a friend. He’s missed, no doubt about it.”

His favorite Sting moment:

“Probably the one that sticks out the most is the first one that [Tony] Schiavone that I did in 1988. There in Greensboro actually, as we talked about ad nauseum. I think that the first one, it’s hard to beat the first one. He had all those great matches with Flair, and had good matches with [Lex] Luger and so forth. Terry Funk and others. But I think the very first outing for him was so important, to make impression in a positive way and he succeeded. So I’d say the very first time I saw Sting in a big match scenario, 1988, sticks out my mind probably better than [any other].”

How AEW can grow going forward:

“Yeah, you get more talent over. You get more talents like Okada, Ospreay, et cetera the opportunity to get exposed on your television. And consequently get over. Getting talent over is always going to be the key. So I think they’re doing a good job of that, anxious to see where the journey with Okada goes. He’s spectacular — more than spectacular, he’s extraordinary. He’s one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, I’m glad we got it. So anyway, it was good. For me, I think they’re doing a good job in that area. Getting new talent over, that’s the key to the whole scenario.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.

(H/T to 411Mania.com for transcribing the above quotes)