WWE Hall of Famer JJ Dillon and the legendary Kevin Sullivan appeared on ABC’s “Judge Steve Harvey” this week.
Dillon, using his real name Jim Morrison, appeared with Sullivan for a case where Dillon was suing Sullivan for not being paid back for a $7,500 loan to help Sullivan buy a $15,000 boat five years ago, in cash.
Dillon said he thought Sullivan would pay him back as soon as he could, but Sullivan argued that Dillon told him he could pay back the loan “whenever.”
Harvey ended up ruling in Dillon’s favor, but due to the friendship between the two pro wrestling legends and all they’ve given fans during their careers, Harvey said the court would pay the loan back on Sullivan’s behalf.
“I’m going to do something that I have the power to do, because this isn’t just small claims court, this is a court that listens to the story,” Harvey said. “So now, I rule in favor of the plaintiff for $7,500. But because of what you gentlemen have maintained for over 40 years. Because of your friendship and love for one another. Because you share a bond, you’ve given folks hours of priceless entertainment. I can’t tell you how much wrestling been in my life, man.
“Thank you, man. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. On behalf of this court, even though we award you [Dillon] the $7,500, the court is going to pay the $7,500. You will get your money in full. And I want to thank the both of you for coming in here and for being honorable men, and for loving and defending your friendship no matter what.”
You can see video from the episode below: