Kenny Omega Speaks Out About The Offer WWE Made Him

Kenny Omega commented on the offer WWE made him prior to him ultimately signing a four-year contract with All Elite Wrestling, during an interview with

“WWE’s offer was of course, fantastic. They went about it in a very professional and courteous way and those guys are nothing but professionals in the way they dealt with me, but at the end of the day AEW presented me with something that just couldn’t be beat.”

“You know I’m with my best friends in the business and I have a little bit of control over my own creative which is always important. I also feel like it is my true platform for me to sort of have my voice be heard and I always like challenges and I like the prospect of this being a blunderng failure.”

“Part of me was like, ‘Do I really want to shut my brain off and have people write stuff for me? Tell me what to do?’ It sounds kinda cool actually, you know what I mean?”