Miro made an appearance on The Kurt Angle Show to discuss a wide range of topics.
During it, he spoke about how it was Triple H who fought for Rusev and Lana to be brought up to the main roster together:
“There was a question if Lana was going to debut (on SmackDown with Rusev) because that was also another issue that we had with Vince. Vince always loves his big monsters by themselves, and he thinks that the women take away from the heat, but thanks to Triple H, he fought for it. He believed in me and Lana as a unit, as a package. Thankfully to that, we debuted on SmackDown. We started doing the vignettes with CJ, which I thought was absolutely the better choice. I don’t think Rusev by himself would be as over without Lana being there. He was so much better.”