Nic Nemeth Comments On Sting’s Run In AEW

TNA Wrestling star Nic Nemeth recently appeared on an episode of Busted Open Radio, where he talked about a number of topics including seeing Sting in AEW.

Nemeth said, “Watching him in AEW, amazing. I was blown away every week because there’s so many awesome young up–and-comers. There’s so many good people there doing things. And to see Sting going above and beyond every night, trying to do something extra special, that’s awesome man. And maybe it doesn’t work out. Maybe he goes to WWE right away. You never know.”

On why he’s glad Sting’s run in AEW worked out:

“Maybe we never see him in AEW. Maybe he’s retired and done, or he’s working behind the scenes in WWE now. So however that worked out, I’m so glad it did the way it did, because seeing Sting in AEW that last year or two, oh my, [it was] so awesome to see.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.