NJPW Road To New Beginning In Sapporo Night 2 Results – January 25, 2023

NJPW Road To New Beginning In Sapporo Night 2 Results – January 25, 2023

Aaron Henare vs. Oskar Leube

Aaron Henare hits some spin kicks to the thighs of Oskar Leube. Henare hit some punches to the gut and then blows to the chest while Leube was tied in the ropes. Henare applied a Boston Crab but Leube reached the ropes.

Leube hits a body slam and applied a Boston Crab. Henare hit the Berzerker Bomb for a 2 count before a Backspin Kick puts away Leube.

Winner: Aaron Henare (8:44)
Rate: 5

Tag Team Match
Bullet Club (Kenta & Gedo) vs. Be Bop Tag Team

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kenta started this match off with Tanahashi hitting a twisting 2nd rope crossbody sending Kenta to the floor to regroup. Toru Yano tags in but Kenta beat Yano up on the floor. Bullet Club took turns working over Yano in the ring. Tanahashi tagged back and hit a basement dropkick on Kenta’s knee then a dragon screw then a 2nd rope summersault senton for a near fall.

Kenta hit a standing neckbreaker, then a 2nd rope clothesline for a near fall then two spinning back fists. Tanahashi fired back with the Twist & Shout. Gedo & Yano tagged in. Gedo repeatedly kicked the corner pad that was in Yano’s arms. Yano got a schoolboy rollup for a near fall. Gedo grabbed brass knuckles from the corner but the ref confiscated them. Yano hit a low blow uppercut on Gedo then rolls him up to get the win for Be Bop Tag Team.

Winners: Be Bop Tag Team (10:40)
Rate: 3

Tag Team Match
Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & El Phantasmo) vs. Master Wato & Togi Makabe

Master Wato & Taiji Ishimori kick this match off before Bullet Club began working over Togi Makabe with El Phantasmo raking the back and choking Makabe with his shirt. Makabe hits a powerslam on Ishimori and made the hot tag to Wato. Wato hit a leg lariat on Kenta, then a hurricanrana on ELP. On the floor Wato hits a backbreaker over his knee on Ishimori.

In the ring Wato hit a springboard forearm for a near fall. Makabe & ELP tags back in with Makabe hitting a northern lights suplex for a 2 count. Phantasmo hit a clothesline for a near fall then a Lionsault for a near fall. He set up for a Sudden Death but Makabe blocks it and hit a clothesline.

Ishimori & Wato traded more forearm shots. Wato hit a plancha to the floor. Makabe went to the top rope but Phantasmo rolled to the other side of the ring. Makabe tries to pick up Phantasmo but ELP caught him with Sudden Death for the win.

Winners: Bullet Club (9:42)
Rate: 5

8 Man Tag Team Match
Chaos (IWGP Tag Team Champions Hirooki Goto & Yoshi Hashi & Tomohiro Ishii) & Yuto Nakashima vs. TMDK

Yuto Nakashima & Kosei Fujita squares off to start the match before TMDK began working over Yoshi Hashi in the corner and Zack Sabre Jr teaches Fujita how to properly apply an armbar. Mikey Nicholls drops Yoshi Hashi with a chop. Yoshi Hashi hits a clothesline and made the hot tag to Tomohiro Ishii.

Ishii & ZSJ trades quick standing switches and Ishii hit a vertical suplex. Ishii unloaded some hard chops on ZSJ before ZSJ fires back with some European uppercuts. Ishii hit a release German suplex and they were both down. Hirooki Goto & Shane Haste both tag in  and Haste unloaded blows in the corner. Goto hit a bulldog for a near fall then a neckbreaker over his knee. Goto hit a clothesline and they were both down.

Nakashima & Fujita get back in the ring as Fujita hit a chop before Nakashima locks in a Boston Crab but Fujita reached the ropes. Fujita hits a dropkick and they were both down. ZSJ & Ishii locked up again with ZSJ stomping on Ishii’s elbow. Fujita applied an armbar behind Nakashima’s back to get the submission win.

Winners By Submission: TMDK (14:06)
Rate: 7

Tag Team Match
United Empire (Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion TJP & Great O Khan) vs. Just 4 Guys (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taka Michinoku) 

TJP & Yoshinobu Kanemaru started this match off but Kanemaru immediately went after TJP’s injure knee before TJP hits some European uppercuts to Taka Michinoku & Michinoku responded with an eye poke. Great O Khan enters and chokes Michinoku with his braid. TJP ties Taka in the Muta Lock. TJP accidentally hits O Khan sending him off the apron to the floor into a guardrail.

TJP hit a springboard twisting forearm on Kanemaru then a Helluva Kick. Kanemaru hit another basement dropkick to the knee, and he slapped on the Figure 4 in the middle of the ring but O Khan made the save. Great O Khan tags in and hit some Mongolian Chops on Kanemaru. Michinoku tags in and stomped on O Khan then he applied an STF. He tries to body slam O Khan but couldn’t get him up. O Khan hits a Mafia Kick on Michinoku for a near fall. O Khan applied the Sheep Killer for the submission win.

Winners By Submission: United Empire (10:50)
Rate: 6

Tag Team Match
United Empire (Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Francesco Akira & Will Ospreay) vs. Just 4 Guys (Douki & Taichi) 

United Empire attacks Just 4 Guys before the bell. Francesco Akira hits a moonsault to the floor on Douki. In the ring Will Ospreay hit several kicks to Taichi’s back. United Empire kept Taichi in their corner and worked him over. Taichi finally hit a spin kick to Ospreay’s ear in the corner, and he tags in Douki. Douki hit a running clothesline on Akira in the corner and a 2nd rope flying back elbow.

Akira hit a Doomsday senton on Douki. Douki hit a top rope cannonball to the floor on to United Empire and everyone was down. In the ring Douki hit a top rope double stomp to Ospreay’s chest for a near fall then a DDT out of the ropes for another near fall. Douki hits a mid ring hurricanrana on Ospreay. Akira entered and hit a dropkick into the corner. Ospreay nails Hidden Blade to get the win.

Winners By Submission: United Empire (10:47)
Rate: 6

Tag Team Match
Los Ingobnrables De Japon (Tetsuya Naito & Sanada) vs. Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma

Los Ingobnrables De Japon attacked before the bell and they all brawled on the floor. In the ring Shota Umino & Tomoaki Honma dominated early. Naito & Umino brawled back to the floor with Naito whipping Umino into the guardrails. In the ring Sanada was tying up Tomoaki Honma on the mat. LIJ began working Honma over but Honma hit a double DDT. Umino made the hot tag and beat up Sanada then he taunted Naito by doing the tranquilo pose on the mat.

Umino hits a fisherman’s suplex on Sanada for a near fall. Sanada missed a standing moonsault but he hit a basement dropkick. Naito tags in and he hit a dropkick to Umino’s back. Naito applied a leglock around Umino’s head in the middle of the ring. Honma got back in and he suplexes Naito for a near fall. Umino nailed a diving forearm on Naito and Honma hits Kokeshi on Naito for a near fall.

Honma hit a leaping headbutt on Naito then a clothesline for a near fall. Naito hit an enziguri then got a jackknife on Honma for the win.

Winners: Los Ingobnrables De Japon (14:32)
Rate: 7

After the match Umino ran in but Naito caught him and nailed the Destino; Sanada acted as ref and counted to 3 on Umino. Naito put one foot on Umino’s chest as he raised his hand in victory.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Los Ingobnrables De Japon (KOPW 2023 Champion Shingo Takagi,Junior Heavyweight Champion Hiromu Takahashi & Bushi) vs. Chaos (IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Kazuchika Okada & Yoh) & Ryusuke Taguchi

Yoh & Hiromu Takahashi starts this match off and they immediately brawled to the floor. In the ring Yoh hit a basement dropkick. Shingo Takagi clotheslines Taguchi in the corner. Bushi entered and hit a standing neckbreaker on Taguchi for a near fall and LIJ took turns working Ryusuke Taguchi over. Kazuchika Okada hops in the ring but Takagi tossed him to the floor.

Taguchi hits butt bump on Takagi and they were both down. Okada enters legally for the first time and he drops Takagi with a spinning elbow. Okada hit a DDT for a near fall. Takagi nails a twisting neckbreaker and they were both down. They began trading forearm shots, before Okada nails a dropkick, and they were both down. Yoh & Takahashi got back in with Yoh hitting a flying forearm, and he was fired up. They switched to exchanging overhand chops.

Yoh hit a hurricanrana then a plancha to the floor. Yoh hit a Falcon Arrow in the ring for a near fall. Takahashi fired back with a sit out powerbomb and they were both down. Bushi entered, and he hit a missile dropkick on Yoh. Bushi hit a Lung blower on Yoh for a near fall. Bushi went for MX but Yoh hit a dropkick. Yoh hit a Poison Rana on Takahashi. Yoh hits a neckbreaker over his knee on Bushi. Yoh then nails Bushi to the mat with Direct Drive for the win.

Winners: Chaos & Ryusuke Taguchi (14:01)
Rate: 7

After the match Yoh got on the mic and said they are going to have a lot more fun together. He said he was going to take Takahashi apart and take that Junior Heavyweight Title and there will be an explosion in Sapporo.