Yujiro Takahashi and EVIL defeated Tetsuya Naito and SANADA in the 2022 World Tag League tournament finals at Sunday’s NJPW event.
It guaranteed the Australian Open’s place in the final. T.M.D.K. (Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls) were defeated by Hirooki Goto and YOSHI-HASHI to advance to the final.
Mark Davis and Kyle Fletcher came out to the ring after the match to confront them ahead of their December 14th match.
In the Super Junior Tag League tournament finals, Lio Rush and YOH will face BULLET CLUB’s Ace Austin and Chris Bey.
12.14仙台の『WORLD TAG LEAGUE』“優勝決定戦”は、毘沙門vsオージー・オープンに決定!!
⇒https://t.co/iYmyI354Is#空前絶後のざんまい #njwtl #njpw pic.twitter.com/OC8BFD0Qyw— 新日本プロレスリング株式会社 (@njpw1972) December 11, 2022