The upcoming film “Black Adam,” starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, is still inproduction. The film is set to hit theatres on July 29, 2022. The trailer for it will be released on June 8th, according to the former WWE Champion on Twitter:
“True story ?I had the DC costume team remove all the thick muscle padding they put in the original Black Adam suit. The goal is to usher a new era of antihero, so I wanted to put in the hard work and raise the bar. BLACK ADAM⚡️World Premiere Trailer drops JUNE 8th!”
True story ?
I had the DC costume team remove all the thick muscle padding they put in the original Black Adam suit. The goal is to usher a new era of antihero, so I wanted to put in the hard work and raise the bar.
BLACK ADAM⚡️World Premiere Trailer drops JUNE 8th!#nopadding— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) May 28, 2022
June 8th
World Premiere Trailer #BlackAdam⚡️— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) May 28, 2022