Road Dogg Addresses Speculation On Why WWE Released Him

Former WWE NXT Producer “Road Dogg” Brian James spoke on his departure from WWE and speculation that it had something to do with Triple H losing power during an interview with Liam Alexander-Stewart of Inside the Ropes.

“So, look, in every conspiracy theory, there’s a wrinkle of truth, right? So I don’t think that’s the case. I think what they did, it’s business. So because I have been on the business side of this business for the past ten years, I look at it differently than I would have looked at it from ‘the boys’ perspective. Look, the fact that they cut me and my brother and 13 others that day…from a business decision, you just saved yourself probably $5-10 million in a year. You know what I mean? So from a business perspective, ‘Hey, we got to trim some fat down there.’ Now, if by trimming that fat, my name came into play because I was a Hunter guy. I can’t speak to that and I don’t think that would be the case.

I think it would be, ‘We got to get rid of a bunch of people’. These are the people that are making the most money, to be quite honest with you, but how else do we trim the fat? Vince and I spoke after that via text and it’s all gravy, I thanked him for the ten years of life experience and ten years’ worth of pay.”

You can check out the full interview below: