WWE’s Senior Vice President of Live Events “Road Dogg” Brian James discussed a variety of topics on the most recent episode of “Oh…You Didn’t Know.”
During the podcast, Road Dogg discussed former WWE star Enzo Amore, who was mostly paired with Big Cass and was known for his promos, which got him in trouble with fans. Road Dogg revealed he was never able to connect with Amore’s promos.
“I like Enzo. Enzo is a great guy and he’s talented on the mic, no doubt about it, but I feel like some of the stuff he says when he’s out there just kind of riffing and freestyling, I don’t follow it all. Again, maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m an old man and I don’t get it, and I’m totally cool if that’s the answer, but I also know that if I’m a viewer, I have to receive the information that you are spitting out. I have to be able to process it and understand or else your message is garbled. You know what I mean? I don’t get it. That’s what I feel like. I feel like Enzo did all that stuff, but a lot of the times I walked away from his promo going, man that was cool. Really, what was the message? What was he saying? What was he trying to get across? A lot of the time I just felt like there was a lot of talk and not a whole lot of substance. But, I could be wrong. I just didn’t understand a lot of it so there was no substance in my mind.”