Former WWE Superstar Rusev was a guest on “The Ryback Show” where he talked about the love triangle involving himself, Bobby Lashley and his wife Lana. He also discussed Lana’s continued success in WWE beyond his release from the company back in April.
His thoughts on Lana kissing Bobby Lashley and being intimate in storyline: “You know, my wife has so many bad name-calling because of the whole Bobby story. And this is a storyline, first and foremost, like, this is not real,” stated Rusev. “Second of all, they were like, ‘Well, how do you take it? She’s kissing him.’ Like, why don’t you ask her? I’m not the one kissing. Why don’t you ask him? He’s got a wife and kids!”
His thoughts on the RAW Wedding Segment: “I think people bury that story but it was the highest-rated story of the whole year. The highest rated segment of the whole year! We killed every single appearance; live events were out of their minds. I was doing the run-ins, people were losing their s–t,” exclaimed Rusev. “That why I never understand when people were burying it. I understand you don’t like it, but it’s the highest-rated thing! In the live events people can care less with what’s going on. Bobby comes, he does his promo, I run in and the people lose their s–t! Like, I thought this was wrestling!”
His reaction to being released and keeping in touch with his friends in WWE: “You have your friends that you text; I have quite a few friends. I don’t care what company they work for because they’re my friends and that’s why. I think it was the other day on Twitter, where I said something about Big E or whatever, and they’re like, ‘Why do you care?’ Because they’re my freaking friends! What do you mean!? Like Big E, I’ve known him since 2011. Do you think, all of a sudden, I’m just going to say I don’t care about that guy because I don’t work there? How does that make any sense,” asked Rusev.
On power lifting with Big E during their days in FCW: “I love Big E. Big E is amazing. I remember me and him, at FCW, we used to go to his dad’s church on Sunday,” revealed Rusev. “Me and him were really close. We still are. I love Big E, man, he’s one of the nicest people. And working with him? A great human, an all-around stand-up guy.”
Why he thinks Kofi Kingston is his favorite WWE Champion of all-time: “My all-time greatest world champion, my favorite is Kofi Kingston, by all means. The man did so much for the title and nobody saw it because, you know, ‘Oh Kofi, we’ve seen him for 15 years.’ The man destroyed everything on the way, became champion, and what did he do? He goes to freaking Africa,” said Rusev. “You take it to your hometown in Africa and you show these kids, ‘Hey kids, you can do the same thing. You can get out of here and you can achieve your dreams.’ Tell me who did more powerful statements than that?”