Tony Khan Credits Chris Jericho for His Relationship With the Hart Family

AEW CEO and President Tony Khan appeared on Busted Open Radio to talk about a wide range of topics. During it, Khan revealed that Martha Hart was introduced to him by Chris Jericho. In collaboration with the Owen Hart Foundation, the promotion is currently hosting an Owen Hart Tournament.

“I do have to give a lot of credit to Chris Jericho because it was his relationship that he had built with Martha Hart, and the respect that Chris Jericho had built with Dr. Martha Hart, that really put me in a good position to where he introduced me to her,” Khan said.

“I spent many, many hours on Zoom with Martha. We’ve built this relationship and built trust. It’s helped us build this partnership with the Owen Hart Foundation led by Dr. Martha Hart. Now we’re having these great matches in this great tournament,” he continued.

“It’s just so special to have Dr. Martha Hart participating in the tournament as a spectator. It’s great to have her there with her family.”

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