Top Dolla Addresses The Young Bucks and How People In AEW Reacted To His ‘Sneakers’ Tweet

As previously reported, Hit Row’s Top Dolla (A.J. Francis) became a trending topic on Twitter after he wrote the following message:

“Some of y’all favorite wrestlers only wear sneakers on-camera to seem “cool & hip” but in real life they rock vans and ASICS exclusively… but y’all not ready for that conversation [Zipper-mouth face emoji]”

The Young Bucks then updated their Twitter bio with the following messages:

“Spent more on sneakers in September than the entire NXT roster did.”

“Only wear heat. Ain’t buying unless it’s resell price. We’ll make you trend just by mentioning you here in our bio.”

During an appearance on the Jobbing Out podcast, Top Dolla addressed The Young Bucks:

“I used to watch them cats. I wasn’t even talking about them. They just got in their feelings vecause their little their Twitter minions gas them up and they realized very quickly that I’m not the one to play with. When they first did the NXT bio, I was like, ‘Huh, that’s rude. I’m not even in NXT anymore and I know that you know that’. For you to do that, it kinda felt like it you were saying I should still be in NXT or you just wanted to s**t on NXT for no reason. It’s disrespectful and unnecessary.

Even then, I was l like, ‘I don’t feel like getting on these Twitter people, I’m gonna let these boys slide’. Then they updated their bio again and it said, ‘We’ll make you trend just by mentioning you in our bio’. I took that personally. I didn’t start nothing. I was like, ‘That’s an interesting comment’. I read that as, ‘You’re a nobody and we can make you popular’. In reality, them boys could never make Hit Row like I did. To say that to me is wild and very disrespectful. I had to let them know that I’m not the one to play with and these are not games we play. I don’t play around with my name and people. Everyone in the wrestling business learned a lesson that day and I’m sad that it had to be them boys to teach everybody the lesson, but now everyone knows that Top Dolla is not the one to be f**king with.”

Top Dolla also commented on how people in AEW reacted to his “sneakers” comment:

“I can tell you I got my friends from that other company calling me and telling me ‘thank you’. It has nothing to do with companies. There are people on both sides that bang with me and people that bang with other people.

Everything I’m doing is to promote my name and my group. I still haven’t said their name. They felt the need to say my name on their show. How pathetic is that? Free promo. You gave me free promo and I gave you nothing.”