Update On Jesse Ventura Possibly Working With WWE Again

WWE Hall of Famer Jesse Ventura stated in April 2024 that he was in talks with WWE again due to the company’s “new direction”.

Ventura appeared on Frank Morano’s podcast and provided an update.

He said, “I am back negotiating with them. We’re in talks right now. I have contracts with my attorney right now with WWE. We don’t know right now fully. They want to bring me back under their Legends [deal]. If you go back to WrestleMania 1, there aren’t too many of us alive anymore. It is true. Look, Roddy’s gone, Orndoff’s gone, Andre’s gone, John Studd’s gone… Junkyard Dog’s gone. You have more gone. It goes on and on. I’m getting older. I’m in my 70s now. I just want to open up the door at the end of the wrestling career and see what’s still left there. And it ain’t like I’m going to go back on the mic because, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t even know who wrestles there anymore.”

“I can only say [negotiations] happened because of the change in direction of the company.”

You can check out his appearance below:

(quotes courtesy of PWTorch.com)