The use of cannabis and products derived from it has long been controversial in sports, and that is no different with professional wrestling. While more and more states legalize the use of marijuana for recreational or at least medical use, CBD and hemp was fully legalized nationally with the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill.
Afterwards, many sports organizations removed CBD from their list of banned substances as well. The National Hockey League (NHL) does not outright prohibit CBD or marijuana anymore, though it isn’t encouraged. Major League Baseball (MLB) has a limit of THC that can be in their athletes’ systems, which allows for some small use of marijuana and no limit for use of pure CBD. The NFL is allowing for use of CBD but not marijauna, though it is also actively studying the benefits of cannabinoids like CBD and THC when it comes to treating pain.
When it comes to professional wrestling, the WWE takes a bit of an odd approach. They still have all cannabis as a banned substance but their enforcement and punishment policies imply a more lenient attitude. If a professional wrestler who is part of the WWE tests positive, they may face a suspension, or they can choose to pay a fine of $2,500. This is according to an interview with wrestler Enzo Amore when he was a guest on Talk Is Jericho. That may not seem like a lot, but wrestlers just starting with the WWE do not make that much money.
However, in that same interview, Enzo disclosed that he thought up to 90% of wrestlers in the WWE used cannabis on a regular basis to deal with their daily aches and pains that come with the job.
The Medical Benefits of Cannabinoids
The medical basis for cannabis is tied to a family of chemical compounds within marijuana and hemp called cannabinoids. Two of the most well known of these are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
THC is the primary compound in marijauna that is psychoactive, which is what makes you feel high. That is why marijuana is still illegal, or at least heavily regulated in most states in the country. The country is trending towards increased legalization and removal of regulations, including for medical purposes. However, it still faces some negative stigma in society, including in a professional capacity.
CBD offers many of the same benefits and properties as THC, with the main exception being that it is not psychoactive at all. On its own, CBD will not make you high. That is why hemp — which only contains CBD and no THC — and CBD have been legalized. More recently, loopholes in the previously mentioned 2018 Farm Bill have meant some companies can legally sell THC, so long as it is derived from hemp and the final product doesn’t exceed the 0.03% THC limit. It’s unlikely that any professional sports leagues are going to change their rules to accommodate for this anytime soon, however.
There are good reasons why professional athletes are so curious and insistent on using cannabis products like delta 8 edibles. They have both been shown to treat things like pain and inflammation, as well as reducing stress and anxiety, and they do it with relatively minor side effects. With a growing issue of pain medication addiction among athletes who deal with pain on a near constant basis, coming up with a safer and less addicting alternative is very valuable.
That’s why so many professional wrestlers are willing to risk a $2,500 fine each time they get caught using cannabis. It might be rich for them, depending on their pay, but it helps them keep performing in a much healthier manner than the alternatives.