WWE Hall Of Famer Believes The Company Already Has Plans For WrestleMania 41 Main Event

WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray (Bubba Ray Dudley) appeared on an episode of Busted Open Radio, where he talked about a number of topics including how he believes the company and Triple H already have their plans in place for WrestleMania 41 and know what they want to book in the main event for both nights.

Ray said, “WWE is booking backwards. How do I … think I know this? Because of the way Hunter thinks. Hunter thinks very old school. Hunter learned a lot from Vince McMahon – there is no doubt. But Hunter, being old school and being a fan of Dusty [Rhodes’] booking, and in my opinion the best type of booking, they’re booking this backwards. And when wrestling is booked backwards, that’s when you get your best stories.”

On Cody Rhodes possibly not being in the main event:

“As of right this very minute, I could not guarantee you that Cody Rhodes is in the main event at 41.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.