WWE Hall Of Famer Believes Triple H Has Restored The Identity Of The Intercontinental Title

WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray (Bubba Ray Dudley) appeared on an episode of Busted Open Radio to talk about a number of topics including how he believes WWE Chief Content Officer Paul “Triple H” Levesque has been working on restoring the credibility of the Intercontinental Title ever since he took over creative.

Ray said, “The championship is hot because once Triple H fully took over creative, even before he fully took it over, even when Vince disappeared the first time, I felt that they were putting a lot of shine and heaping a lot of praise and credibility on the IC Championship.” “Vince came back, GUNTHER was still staying the course, Vince leaves again, and I think Hunter has really put the pedal to the metal with this championship.”

“Because I believe he believes that if there is a championship out there, it has to mean something. You know how I feel about championships of professional wrestling. There are entirely too many championships that mean absolutely nothing and don’t have a carved-out identity. The IC Championship now has a definitive, carved-out identity, the same for us when we were kids.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.