WWE NXT Level Up Results – May 5, 2023

(Image Credit: WWE)

WWE NXT Level Up Results – May 5, 2023

Oro Mensah vs. Kale Dixon

The match starts off with some mat work then Oro Mensah gets one count then he hooks an arm and Kale Dixon tries to roll out but Mensah keeps pulling him back to the mat. Dixon lands a forearm to turn the hold but Mensah gets an up kick and then a series of arm drags that take things back to the mat with an armbar.

Mensah snaps off with a headscissors then goes for a waist lock but Dixon goes to the eyes to break. Superman Punch is missed by Mensah which lets Dixon pull the hair to get Mensah off his feet before a gutwrench is escaped and Mensah gets a roll up for a two count. He misses a kick and Dixon gets a roll up for a two count.

Clothesline from Dixon followed by a backbreaker for a two count. More hair pulling from Dixon as he laughs at the ref and breaks before 5. Mensah rallies and throws some chops and hits a running kick. Lionsault Press connects and Mensah looks to go up but Dixon sends him to the apron.

Mensah lands a head kick and comes off the top rope with another kick then hits a spin wheel kick in the corner for the win.

Winner: Oro Mensah

Backstage Boa cuts a promo as he talks about being injured for a year and how it was hard to watch and not fight anyone.

Thea Hail vs. Lola Vice

Match starts off with Thea Hail & Lola Vice do some rope running sequence then Hail gets a roll up for a two count and then a standing moonsault for a two count then she hooks an arm then Vice tries to push off but Hail maintains the hold. Vice looks for a slam but Hail snuffs that.

Hail goes to the eyes and gets a double leg then she hits a spinning kick in the corner and then shakes her ass before hitting a butt splash in the corner. Vice grabs a cravat and grinds Hail to the mat then Vice just drops her to the mat. Hail is able to power out of the hold.

Hail starts firing off forearms and gets a back splash in the corner then a exploder suplex followed by a springboard Coffin Drop off the bottom rope then she spikes Vice on her head to get the win.

Winner: Thea Hail

Eddy Thorpe vs. Boa

Match starts off with Boa lands a kick to the chest and tries to stomp the arm but Eddy Thorpe rolls away. Boa grabs the arm but Thorpe rolls and flips his way out and into a side headlock he takes to the ground. Boa pushes off and tries a slam but Thorpe slides over and reclaims the headlock then Boa escapes again and gets a shoulder tackle.

They run the ropes and Thorpe follows a leap frog with a crossbody. Reversal and Boa misses a boot but lands a spinning back kick. He stomps Thorpe in the gut and lands a kick to the back. More stomping and Boa gets a two count. He talks some trash and rubs his boot on Thorpe’s head to show him up.

Running knee from Boa as he maintains wrist control. He repeats that a few times and then hits a butterfly suplex for a two count. Boa hooks a body scissors and applies a crossface. Boa transitions to a reverse bear hug and then back into a bodyscissors. Thorpe rolls back to get a one count.

Boa back to the reverse bear hug but gets caught with a jawbreaker. Thorpe fires off some strikes and lands a running elbow then another followed by a spinning back kick and then a jumping head kick. Running boot in the corner followed by a Saito Suplex for a two count.

Boa goes back to the ribs but Thorpe escapes and then runs into a big boot for a strong near fall. Thorpe starts ducking strikes and lands some of his own then he hits a German suplex then a jumping elbow to get the win.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe