WWE Star Has Been “Bothering” Shawn Michaels To Come Back For One More Match

(Photo Credit: WWE)

In late 2022, it was reported that Kevin Owens approached Shawn Michaels about doing another WWE match. While appearing on Fanatics Live this week, Owens mentioned wanting to have a WrestleMania match against Michaels.

“I keep bothering Shawn Michaels every year to come back. He just won’t. He’s so nice about it every year. This year, I texted him, he didn’t answer me for two months and then when he answered me it was to say, ‘Well, I know I’m a little late, but I just had shoulder surgery, so I don’t think it’s happening.’ You could’ve said no two months ago. You didn’t have to get cut for it.”

(quote courtesy of Jeremy Lambert)