All Elite Wrestling returns from the NOW Arena in Chicago, Illinois for this week’s episode of AEW Collision, which premieres live on TNT at 8/7c.
On tap for tonight’s show is Hikaru Shida vs. Deonna Purrazzo, MxM Collection vs. House of Black in a Fashion Fight, as well as Bryan Danielson, PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta vs. Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry & The Young Bucks.
Also scheduled for the show this evening is Lance Archer vs. Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy vs. Bryan Keith and Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Beast Mortos in three Continental Contenders Challenge matches.
Tony Schiavone & Nigel McGuinness are our hosts, and we see how Adam “Hangman” Page burned down the childhood home of Swerve Strickland on Wednesday night. Tomorrow night’s card features a Lights Out Steel Cage match between the two men, and the cage is already hanging up in the rafters.
Earlier today, Marina Shafir & Jon Moxley arrived. Nigel tells us that a statement will be made. Tony tells us about a triple header of wrestling action tonight, and we see hype for various All Out matches & the matches we’ll see tonight that’ll set up All Out.
Continental Contenders Challenge: Lance Archer vs. Mark Briscoe
This is the first of three matches that will decide Okada’s challengers at All Out. Before I can dive too deep into that, Archer attacks Briscoe during his entrance. Lance introduces Mark to the barricade a couple of times, but Mark fights back with some chops. Mark gets tossed into the ring, and the match officially begins. A shoulderblock or two by Mark get nothing, a charge by Mark gets evaded and he ends up on the floor. Mark is already busted open, by the way. Of course he’s wearing a white top for the occasion. Archer tells the cameraman he’s coming for Okada. Lance whips Mark into the barricade again, and Aubrey Edwards goes outside to check on Mark. Mark evades a cannonball, heads back into the ring, and utilizes a chair for a tope con hilo on Archer! Mark chokes Lance with his shirt while we see a replay. A one count on Archer back in the ring. Mark tries to pick Archer up, that doesn’t work so Archer hits a power bomb instead. We go to picture in picture as Archer fires away on the downed Briscoe.
Mark tries a comeback, but misses in the corner and Archer hits some elbows. Archer misses a big strike, Briscoe with some chops, but the whip is reversed and Mark is sent hard into the turnbuckle. Archer with a splash in the corner, Mark seems determined but is taking a lot of punishment here. Back to full picture, Mark gets knocked to the floor after vaulting over the turnbuckle on a whip. Big shot by Archer, then a chokeslam to Briscoe on the apron. One more? Nah, Mark fights out with some of that redneck kung fu. Blockbuster on the floor by Briscoe! Back in the ring, Briscoe lifts Archer for the DVD, hits it and goes up top. Froggy Bow only gets two on Archer. Mark motions for the Jay Driller, but Archer’s a little big for that. Boot by Archer, chokeslam! Buckle Bomb by Archer, ripcord into a twisting uranage gets two on Briscoe! Briscoe placed up top, Archer follows him there. Superplex? No, Mark blocks and bites! Archer knocked off the top, Mark hits another Froggy Bow for one! Sliding lariat by Mark, and a third Froggy Bow ends things!
Winner: Mark Briscoe (11:13 via pinfall)
Mark tells us there’s one more belt coming his way, and calls Okada a bitch.
Chris Jericho talks about the Conglomeration and how they’ve given him issues lately, Ishii in particular. Big Bill says time must run out for every man, and Bryan Keith says “especially this one”. Ishii lays at their feet with a chair wrapped around his neck. “Arigato, guys!”
Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zach Gibson) vs. Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson w/Jack Jameson)
Boulder has the size advantage on Gibson, but Gibson targets the knee and brings Boulder down. Tags in Drake, who continues to target the knee. Drake with a headlock, he tags Gibson and they try a suplex. They get suplexed instead. Boulder does the Earthquake stomp and tags Bronson in. They try a double team, but going back to that knee cuts that off. Boulder gets sent over the top to the floor. Bronson clotheslines Drake over the top and fires away on Gibson. Lariat on Gibson, Bronson ends up eating a douvle hot shot though, and the Grit Your Teeth high-low ends it.
Winners: Grizzled Young Veterans (3:14 via pinfall)
FTR comes on down! Dax & Cash go right after Gibson & Drake, and the GYV pull away. Jack Jameson comes in to celebrate with FTR, and gets the Shatter Machine for his trouble.
We get a video package for Will Ospreay vs. Pac on tomorrow’s All Out event.
Lexy Nair asks Orange Cassidy how he’s handling all the pressure. OC says his schedule may be full, but his backpack isn’t. He will punch Bryan Keith in the face for what he did to Ishii, then put the Continental Championship in his backpack next to seven thousand dollars.
Continental Contenders Challenge: Orange Cassidy vs. Bryan Keith
Cassidy taking his time getting ready here while Tony tells us how mad he is. OC with a dropkick to Keith, then a dive on the floor. Another dive by OC. Three dives by OC. Big shot by OC, who keeps breaking the count while delivering these blows. I for one appreciate somebody abiding by the countout rule. OC sends Keith into the barricades. Keith fights back and bounces OC’s right hand off the steps to negate a possible Orange Punch. Big boot on the floor by BK as we head to picture in picture.
Keith maintains the advantage back in the ring, choking Orange in the corner. Snap mare, then Keith bounces OC’s hand off the mat. He stands on the hand for a four count before we go to full-blown commercial.
We return and Keith is trying to avoid OC’s hands in his pockets. He is unsuccessful! Some kicks and a kip up by OC, then some stiff kicks in the corner! Dropkick in the corner by OC. BK fights back and goes for a suplex, some back & forth leads to a PK by OC. Keith fights back up and hits an exploder. Keith runs into a kick in the corner, but follows Orange up top for a superplex. Nothing doing for either man, but BK suplexes OC in the corner, then a Falcon Arrow gets two. HE DID THE DEAL! Arm wringers by Keith, but OC with an inside cradle for two. Slumdog Millionaire & a Beach Break by OC, that only gets two! Orange Punch? Blocked twice by Keith, then Keith hits a knee strike for two. Keith runs into a punch, then a tornado DDT by OC! Cassidy hits a Prince Iaukea style DDT off the top rope for three!
Winner: Orange Cassidy (11:14 via pinfall)
Chris Jericho is outside Orange’s dressing room door, and he still wants his $7,000. He’ll take something else from him, that being his backpack! Jericho says he’ll give it back when he gets the money.
Lexy Nair is with Mercedes Mone & Kamille. Mercedes is preparing for the match by planning to win. Kamille is not banned from tonight, so we can keep watching and find out what happens when one messes with Mercedes Mone.
The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd w/Erika Lee) vs. Davey Bang & August Matthews
Will tonight be the night the Outrunners get their first AEW TV win? Truth with a big chop on August in the corner. Bang tags in and bang down he goes. Tag to Turbo, who goes up top and hits a shot to the elbow. August back in, he gets vertical suplexed. Tag to Truth, double back elbow! Best Friends elbow drop and some posing! Double hip toss & clothesline to Bang, who ends up outside. Turbo & Truth set up August for Total Recall, it hits and the Outrunners get the win!
>Winners: The Outrunners (2:11 via pinfall)
Renee Paquette is with Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale to discuss their upcoming match at All Out. Kris is asked why she turned her back on Willow. Kris explains how she never got her rematch for the TBS Championship and Willow won it immediately after. Willow never gave her a rematch. Willow faults Stokely for their breakup. Kris says that Willow thinks nothing matters except her. Willow will make her pay tomorrow. Kris says the right time to strike will be at All Out. Lots of pent up emotion between these two! It went a little quick but was well done.
Continental Contenders Challenge: Konosuke Takeshita vs. The Beast Mortos
Don Callis joins Tony & Nigel on commentary. Some blows exchanged to start. Mortos with some kicks in the corner and a suplex. Mortos gets tossed to the floor, Takeshita follows him with a flip dive! Takeshita rakes away at Mortos’ mask on the floor. Gotta be tough to punch away on that thing. Takeshita gets smacked in the mouth, then Mortos hits a tornillo through the ropes! Back in the ring, Mortos gets sent to the apron, then met up top by Takeshita. Some biting by Takeshita, then a superplex! We go to picture in picture with both men down.
Takeshita is the first one up and he takes the advantage. Slam to Mortos, up to the middle rope and hits a senton. Cover gets two. Mortos fights off a suplex but gets DDTed instead. Takeshita with a chinlock. Takeshita seems obsessed with ripping at that mask, he must have watched a lot of lucha recently. Mounted punches in the corner by Takeshita. We return to full screen and Takeshita runs into a boot. Headbutts by Mortos. Backbreaker by Mortos, then a super Samoan Drop gets two. Takeshita responds with a German, but Mortos hulks up! Blue Thunder bomb gets two for Takeshita. Mortos placed up top, Takeshita follows him. They jockey for position, Mortos with a gorilla press and Takeshita lands down in a heap! Count gets two. Mortos sent into the ringpost, release German by Takeshita. Spear by Mortos gets 1! Big shot by Takeshita, discus lariat by Mortos. Takeshita & Mortos headbutt each other. Samoan Drop reversed into a crucifix bomb by Takeshita! Running knee by Takeshita, then the Raging Fire gets three for Takeshita.
Winner: Konosuke Takeshita (12:17 via pinfall)
Saraya & Harley Cameron are backstage. Saraya calls Jamie Hayter a slag for hurting her family & Harley. One of these days she’ll find herself in a match with Saraya and not like what happens. Slag!
Mariah May says she’s the champion we never knew we wanted. The world needs their Glamour, and she will finally have her championship celebration tomorrow. The saddest thing about being her is she’ll never get to meet Mariah May. I enjoy her!
Deonna Purrazzo vs. Hikaru Shida
Into the corner, Deonna with some boots to Shida. Some covers exchanged back & forth in an attempt to blow Aubrey up. Clothesline by Shida. Deonna sends her into the middle turnbuckle a couple of times before we go picture in picture.
Deonna targets the arm, setting Shida up for the various armbars she likes to utilize. Some legdrops to the arm and a short arm scissor. Deonna clotheslines Shida down, then scrapes Shida’s face with her boots. Deonna applies a submission before we go full blown commercial.
We return and Deonna wrings Shida’s arm a few times before Shida fights back. Shida with a dropkick out of the corner. Big shot in the corner by Shida. Shida with some corner punches then a face plant. Running knee strike gets two for Shida. Shida up top, misses a stomp. Deonna with a headscissor into the Fujiwara armbar! Shida gets out, but Deonna hits a powerbomb for two. Deonna goes for the cradle piledriver, but Shida blocks. She works Deonna into a stretch muffler! Deonna flips out, Shida & her exchange strikes. Shida kicks Deonna down, hits a Falcon arrow for 2.86! Katana kick knocks Deonna out for the three count.
Winner: Hikaru Shida (9:26 via pinfall)
The CEO music hits, and here comes Mercedes Mone! She stands on the stage and walks down, which means that Kamille is attacking from behind. Forearm from the blindside! Mercedes grabs the kendo stick, but accidentally hits Kamille! Mone gets a shot from Shida! Kamille gets sent outside! Mone tries the backstabber, but gets a Katana! Shida stands tall for now…
Alicia Atout wants to know what’s next for FTR. Cash Wilder & Dax Harwood say that they’ll take on Grizzled Young Veterans next week on Collision. Well there ya go.
Lexy Nair wants to know what’s next for The Acclaimed. Max Caster says he’s the best wrestler alive and nobody can beat them. The road to the Tag Team Titles continues, and it’s time to nut up or shut up. MxM Collection interrupts and says that nobody wants The Acclaimed. They hype their match with House of Black on Rampage and suggest they watch for some fashion tips. Anthony Bowens tells them that everybody loves the Acclaimed and they’re the only team that does finger stuff. We get a Cute Kip reference that pops us 2000s TNA fans.
All-Star 8-Man Tag Team Match of Champions: Bryan Danielson, PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta vs. Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry & The Young Bucks
We’ve got eight champions in this match, with the AEW World, Trios, Tag Team, Continental & TNT Championships being represented. Bryan & Okada start! The fans like it, so Perry tags in instead. Bryan gets pulled into the Elite corner for a quadruple team. Matthew Jackson tags in and gets punched. Claudio tags in and gets a shot in before tagging Yuta.
Suplex by Yuta gets two. To the corner, Nicholas tags in and the Bucks go to work on Yuta while Nigel sings. Yuta with a slam on Nicholas for two. Tag to Pac, who gets worked over by Matthew for a second before returning the favor. Claudio tags in and lands an uppercut. Slam to Matthew, a double stomp by Claudio a la Kevin Sullivan.
Claudio dumps Matthew on the top rope so Bryan can hit a knee to the back. Pac with a standing moonsault for two, the Elite run in and it’s a fracas! Punches in the corner by the BCC & Pac. Bryan is about to stomp Perry’s freaking head in before the Elite pull Perry out of the ring. We go picture in picture!
With Danielson down at ringside, The Elite draped Pac, Castagnoli, and Yuta over the ropes and then Nicholas hit them all with a Swanton. Pac battled back and hit a backbreaker on Nicholas and then made a hot tag to Castagnoli, who cleaned house on the heels.
Castagnoli and Yuta hit a Hart Attack clothesline on Matthew. Castagnoli set up for a Giant Swing on Matthew, but Nicholas super-kicked Castagnoli to stop it. A short time later, Castagnoli and Okada ended up in the ring together. A weary Castagnoli suplexed Okada.
Danielson and Perry tagged in. Danielson worked over Perry with punches and a series of kicks. Perry returned the favor by throwing knees and punches at Danielson before telling the live crowd that he will be the world champion. Danielson put Perry down with a running elbow strike.
There was a series of rapid fire spots involving each of the wrestlers that concluded with Perry turning Pac inside out with a clothesline and then Danielson hitting Perry with a missile dropkick. Danielson threw kicks at a kneeling Perry.
Schiavone transitioned to Rampage and the screen went dark for a second while the match continued. Perry caught a distracted Danielson with a missile dropkick. Yuta tagged in and ate a dropkick from Okada. Yuta ducked a Rainmaker and then ate a double superkick from the Bucks.
Okada hit Yuta with a tombstone piledriver, but the other babyfaces ran in to break up the pin attempt that followed. Several wrestlers were cleared to the floor. Okada ran the ropes and teased a dive before flipping off the fans and the hard camera. Pac cleared Okada from the ring with kicks and then hit a give dive onto Okada and Perry on the floor. Perry grabbed his head and his hip.
Pac hit a springboard 450 splash on Okada for a near fall. A “this is awesome” chant broke out. Danielson and Okada ended up in the ring and traded strikes. Yuta held Okada while Danielson played to the crowd and then hit Okada with a missile dropkick.
Danielson stood on the back of Okada’s legs and drove his knees into the mat. Pac tagged in and dropped Okada with an uppercut that led to a two count heading into a break. Graphics listed Queen Aminata in action, and the MxM vs. House of Black tag match for later in Rampage. After a few more minutes, 12 minutes into the 10 o’clock hour and deep into the one hour allotted for Rampage, Yuta gets the pinfall to give his team the win.
Winners: Bryan Danielson, PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta
(Credit: Steve Cook and 411Mania.com)