Backstage News On WWE’s Creative Plans For Bron Breakker

(Photo Credit: WWE)

Since making his main roster debut, Bron Breakker has been featured received some good television time, and this trend appears set to continue as WWE executives continue to have high hopes for the top prospect.

Breakker has been promoted as a big name since his arrival in 2021, when he quickly became a long-time and dominant NXT champion. Before being transferred to Raw, Breakker had been working on SmackDown since mid-February, as well as in NXT. In addition to his reign as NXT Champion, he shared the NXT Tag Team Championships with Baron Corbin as the Wolf Dogs.

WrestleVotes reported today that WWE’s creative plans for him have changed significantly, and he is expected to be a major focus in the Netflix era. The Netflix deal will see Raw transition from the USA Network to the streaming service in January.

According to one source, “With his age, speed, look, and pedigree, this rare combination of talents isn’t to be overlooked”