Victoria Comments on Possibly Having Another Match in WWE

The 2000s saw notable runs for WWE legend Victoria, real name Lisa Marie Baron, in both the WWE and TNA (Impact Wrestling). She quietly ended her career in wrestling in 2019 after a match against Melina, but she hasn’t ruled out making one final run in WWE.

During a recent interview on the Just Alyx podcast, Victoria said:

“It has to be presented to me with a storyline. Like, which opponent am I going to be facing? There’s a lot to consider, like how much time I have to get ready because that would be a make or break for me. ‘We want you to come back in a week.’ The fans are going to crap on me. I can’t get ready in a week for a match. Not with the caliber of girls they have now. I would need some time to prepare.”

Victoria also commented on Bayley, “She [Bayley] was such a big fan of mine. She actually texted me the other day. ‘Hey, do you mind if I take your spinning Sidewalk Slam?’ And I go ‘Oh, the Spider-Web? I’d be honored. I’d be so honored.’… I wouldn’t be offended if anybody took [my finishing move] the Widow’s Peak. I’m not in the business anymore. It’s an homage to me, because they watched me. But Bayley is one that is just so kind and giving.”

You can click here for more highlights from her interview.

You can watch the complete interview below: