Ice Ribbon New Ice Ribbon #1347 Results – May 18, 2024

Ice Ribbon New Ice Ribbon #1347 Results – May 18, 2024

Block B Match Of The IcexInfinity Title League
Yappy (2) vs. Saran (3) ends in a Time Limit Draw (10:00)

Block A Match Of The IcexInfinity Title League
Hamuko Hoshi (4) defeated Arisa Shinose (1) via Diving Body Press (6:18)

Block B Match Of The IcexInfinity Title League
Kyuri (5) vs. Misa Kagura (1) ends in a Time Limit Draw (10:00)

Tag Team Match
Triangle Ribbon Champion Yuki Mashiro & Sumika Yanagawa defeated Miki Fortune & Anncham via Special Clutch on Fortune (11:02)