Impact Wrestling Review – July 6, 2023

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Impact Wrestling Review – July 6, 2023

Eddie Edwards vs. Frankie Kazarian

Eddie Edwards & Frankie Kazarian go after each other right as the bell rings. Kazarian chops Eddie and whips him into the ropes but Edwards hangs on and Edwards throws Kazarian outside the ring where Alisha Edwards hits Kazarian. Kazarian chases Alisha & Eddie goes after Kazarian and clotheslines him. Eddie and Alisha share a kiss but Kazarian hits a DDT on the apron.

Kazarian hits a springboard guillotine leg drop on Edwards as he is stuck on the middle rope for a two count. Edwards goes for a Backpack Stunner but Kazarian gets out of it and tries to go for the Chicken Wing but Edwards gets out of it then Kazarian hits an Unprettier for two count. Edwards pokes the eye of Kazarian. Kazarian goes for Chicken Wing but Edwards gets out of it.

Edwards hits a Tiger Driver for a two count then Kazarian gets the Chicken Wing but Alisha distracts the referee and Edwards pushes Kazarian into the referee in the corner. Kazarian takes Edwards on the top rope and goes for a Flux Capacitor but Alisha hits Kazarian with Kenny and Eddie hits Boston Knee Party for the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

We see a promo from X Division Champion Chris Sabin & he challenges Lio Rush at Slammiversary for his X Division Title.

Backstage Gia Miller is with Lio Rush and he says he is not here to make friends and he is here to win the X Division Title. Nick Aldis walks up to him and says Rush got involved him in his business. Lio Rush says he is not here to make friends. Aldis says they should get the W tonight and they can get themselves out of each other’s business.

Frankie Kazarian cuts a promo backstage and says he didn’t win with honor and that’s not what Killer Kowalski taught them. Kazarian says how about he brings his wife Traci Brooks at Slammiversary.

Tag Team Match
Sami Callihan & Rich Swann vs. Champagne Singh & Shera

Champagne Singh goes for a back body drop on Rich Swann but Swann turns it around and falls straight onto Singh. Swann tags to Sami Callihan & Callihan assists Swann as he hits a cutter on Singh. Swann throws Singh into Callihan & he hits a Cactus Driver for the win.

Winners: Sami Callihan & Rich Swann

Backstage Brian Myers & Moose are watching on the monitor. Gia Miller walks up to them and asks if they’re scouting the competition. Brian Myers says they’re the best tag team in Impact. Moose says he is going to take revenge next week.

A vignette for Dirty Dango who says he hasn’t watched wrestling since the 90s & he points at a random guy walking the street and says he has more charisma than 90% of the wrestlers in the roster. He says Santino is a one hit wonder. He says he will never get hit by Heath’s finisher again. He says that the last thing Heath wants to be is another Santino Marella.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Angels

Alan Angels hits a snap German suplex on Jonathan Gresham follow by a northern lights suplex for a two count then Angels goes for a spin kick but Gresham rolls up for a two count. Angels & Gresham exchange pins and spin around. Gresham gets Angels in an Octopus Hold and Angels taps out.

Winner By Submission: Jonathan Gresham

After the match Gresham offers a handshake to Angels. Deaner orders Angels to get out. Angels ignores him. Deaner gets in Angels’ face. Angels shakes Gresham’s hand and walks out as Deaner is irate.

Impact World Tag Team Champions ABC cuts a promo backstage and The Rascalz walk up to them and say it’s only fair that they be added to Slammiversary. Bey says they may have won tag titles elsewhere but they never won the Impact World Tag Team Titles. Zachary Wentz says if they beat them tonight, they deserve a shot at the Impact World Tag Team Titles.

A video airs on the Impact Down Under Tour in Australia.

Trinity backstage walks into Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo’s dressing room. She thanks Purrazzo for her help last week. Purrazzo says she wanted Trinity to be at 100% when she beats her. Trinity says maybe that’s why she took her time to help her and she thought they had an understanding when Trinity came to Purrazzo’s aid. Purrazzo says that she didn’t need anyone’s help when she was the champ and even had the champ champ challenge to prove it.

The Good Hands cut a promo and Skyler says it’s hard to distinguish between PCO and the mutants in Georgia.

2 On 1 Handicap Match
The Good Hands (John Skyler & Jason Hotch) vs. PCO

PCO hits a running senton dive to The Good Hands on the outside. PCO goes to the top rope and hits a De Animator on Jason Hotch on the apron. PCO hits a reverse DDT on John Skyler then goes to the top rope and hits a PCOsault for the win.

Winner: PCO

After the match, Hotch gets in D’Amore’s face and slaps him. D’Amore hits a Sky High on Hotch and signals for Canadian Destroyer but Bully Ray’s music hits. Steve Maclin comes up from behind and low blows PCO and attacks D’Amore. Bully hits them with steel chairs. Maclin takes out handcuffs and cuffs Scott D’Amore to the ropes. Maclin & D’Amore set up a table and hit a double chokeslam on PCO through the table. Bully teases hitting D’Amore with a steel chair and D’Amore covers himself and Bully decides against it. Bully throw PCO down a ramp going through the exit of Centre Stage. Bully Ray & Maclin goes towards the exit and pour lighter fluid on PCO and set him on fire.

Scott D’Amore walks backstage looking for PCO & Gia Miller asks how this affects their match at Slammiversary. D’Amore says he doesn’t care.

Courtney Rush vs. Gisele Shaw

Gisele Shaw hits a running uppercut onto Courtney Rush in the corner for a two count then Shaw hits a double stomp onto Rush as she was draped onto the 2nd rope for a two count. Rush hits an exploder suplex for a two count before Shaw hits a German Suplex for a two count.

Rush hits a Samoan Drop and looks for the spear but Savannah Evans distracts her. Jessicka sends Evans into the steel steps. Jai Vidal tries to distract Rush but she drops him before Shaw gets a roll up on Rush with her feet on the ropes for the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw

Backstage Kenny King is walking with Sheldon Jean when a woman walks up to him and asks for a picture. She then puts a dollar bill into his pants. Kenny King runs her off. Another woman shows up and Kenny King tells her not to say his name. Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry shows up and says Hendry made his life a living hell. King says Hendry has no friends and his burned all his bridges. Joe Hendry says all he has to do is say his name. Yuya Uemura shows up.

Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns (Impact World Champion Alex Shelley & X Division Champion Chris Sabin) vs. Nick Aldis & Lio Rush

Alex Shelley hits a springboard forearm on a down Lio Rush for a two count then Shelley hits a knee in Rush’s midsection. Shelley chases Rush outside the ring but runs into a clothesline from Nick Aldis as we go to commercial break.

After the break Aldis guillotines Shelley on the 2nd rope with his knee then Aldis tosses Shelley with a pumphandle for a two count then a tag to Rush & he throws Shelley in the corner and chokes Shelley with his foot. Rush hits a snap suplex for a two count.

Rush gets a chokehold on Shelley before he tags to Aldis who gets a chinlock on Shelley before Shelley drops Aldis face first into the middle turnbuckle. Aldis tags to Rush who looks to clear out Chris Sabin before he gets the tag but Sabin hits him with a forearm and gets the tag.

Motor City Machine Guns hits a Magic Killer for a two count before Rush hits a running senton on Motor City Machine Guns on the outside. Rush hits a clothesline on Sabin for a two count. Aldis hits an elbow drop for another two count.

Rush goes to the top rope but Sabin gets him down then Aldis gets Kingsland Cloverleaf on Shelley but eats a superkick by Sabin. Rush hits a lowboy on Sabin which the referee doesn’t see then Rush hits Final Hour on Sabin for the win.

Winners: Nick Aldis & Lio Rush (Recommend)

Matches Of The Night

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Nick Aldis & Lio Rush- 8/10

Jonathan Gresham vs. Angels- 7/10

Eddie Edwards vs. Frankie Kazarian- 7/10

Next Week’s Impact

Tag Team Match
Sami Callihan & Rich Swann vs. Moose & Brian Myers

Knockouts Title Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. TBD

Mike Bailey vs. Kevin Knight

Impact World Tag Team Champion Chris Bey vs. Zachary Wentz

Slammiversary Card (July 15th)

Knockouts Title Match
Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. Trinity

Impact World Title Match
Alex Shelley (c) vs. Nick Aldis

Tag Team Match
Scott D’Amore & PCO vs. Bully Ray & Steve Maclin

Impact World Tag Team Titles Fatal 4 Way Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. Subculture (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) vs. Moose & Brian Myers vs. Sami Callihan & Rich Swann

X Division Title #1 Contenders Fatal 5 Way Ultimate X Match
Mike Bailey vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Angels vs. Kushida vs. Kevin Knight

X Division Title Match
Chris Sabin (c) vs. Lio Rush

Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match
The Coven (Taylor Wilde & Kilynn King) (c) vs. Masha Slamovich & Killer Kelly

Digital Media Title Match
Joe Hendry (c) vs. Kenny King (Pre Show)

Frankie Kazarian vs. Eddie Edwards