Kurt Angle Recalls Some Of The Wild Things Vince McMahon Had Him Say In WWE

WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle recently spoke with the folks from the Steel City Comic Con on a number of topics including some of the wild things Vince McMahon had him say in the company during the Attitude Era and how those things would not fly today.

Angle said, “Yeah, definitely offensive. I said a lot of stuff back then. This was a time where I was cutting a promo on Rey Mysterio and I said, ‘Rey Mysterio, you’re a boy in a man’s world, and I’m a man who loves to play with boys.’ I was like, ‘No, that’s not what I meant.’ I did this like three times, I messed up and said something perverted. It became a meme and the fans loved it. I was a heel back then and it was a good time for the fans to make fun of me because I said something so messed up. I said a lot of stuff back then. I even said I’m not a fan of black people. I said some crazy stuff that Vince McMahon had me say and it just wouldn’t fly today. That was one of the promos that people took offense to. I enjoyed doing it, I really did, it was funny.”

He also talked about whether he ever told Vince McMahon that he wouldn’t say some of the things he had him say.

“Unfortunately, no. I said whatever Vince McMahon told me to and I probably shouldn’t have said some things I said. Yes, I regret some things.”

You can check out Angle’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)