ROH TV Review – July 6, 2023

ROH TV Results – July 6, 2023

Komander vs. Gringo Loco

Komander took control with an acrobatic armdrag but Loco handsprung out of a 2nd one. Loco evaded a Komander corner charge and hits an alley oop into the corner. Komander used the ropes to hit another armdrag to take Loco down but Loco caught him with a torture rack slam for a near fall then after some jockeying for position, Komander took Loco down with a headscissors.

Loco sent Komander to the apron but Komander caught him with a boot before vaulting off of Loco’s shoulders. Komander sent Loco to the floor with a wheelbarrow armdrag before hitting a tornillo to the floor. Komander sent Loco into the ring and went to the top but Loco cut him off.

They fought for position before Loco hits a 1 man Spanish Fly then Loco sent Komander into the ropes and pops him up but Komander caught him with a cutter on the way down. Loco caught Komander in an electric chair on the floor, then powerbombs him into the barricade.

Back in the ring Loco hit a double jump cutter for a near fall. Loco brought Komander up in an electric chair on the top rope, but Komander fought his way free with Loco caught on the ropes before Komander hits a step up rana.

Komander follows Loco to the floor with a double jump splash then Komander hits springboard Phoenix Splash for the win.

Winner: Komander (Recommend)

Backstage Lexy Nair is with Lee Moriarty & Big Bill. Big Bill said that they were going to squash their opponents tonight The Boys like bugs then win some gold around here.

Daniel Garica vs. Christopher Daniels

Daniel Garcia does his dance & that leads to Christopher Daniels breaking out the Curry Man dance then Daniels sent Garcia into the turnbuckles a few times, Garcia vaulted Daniels to the floor to cut him off.

Garcia cut off a Daniels comeback by dropping down and catching Daniels in an STF. Daniels got the ropes but Garcia stomped on Daniels’ knee when breaking the hold before Daniels caught Garcia with a Blue Thunder Bomb.

Daniels fired up by dropping Garcia with a big back body drop. Daniels took Garcia to the top rope then brought him down with an Iconoclasm for a near fall.

Garcia & Daniels traded forearms before Daniels caught him with an STO. Daniels went for Angel’s Wings but Garcia fought out of that and a uranage before Daniels tries for Angel’s Wings but Garcia rolls to the floor.

Daniels went and got him but Garcia kicks the ropes into Daniels’ face then Garcia hits a gutbuster to score the win.

Winner: Daniel Garica

Backstage, Lexy Nair interviews Willie Mack & he will be in a Fatal 6 Way match for $25,000. Mack talks about all the things he wanted to do with the money.

Tag Team Match
6 Man Tag Team Champions Gates Of Agony (Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. Action Andretti & Darius Martin

Kaun overpowers Action Andretti to start but Andretti used his speed to take Kaun down with a dropkick. Andretti hit a corkscrew splash for a near fall before tagging in Darius Martin. Toa Liona tags in but Andretti & Martin used double dropkicks to send Gates Of Agony out of the ring. Prince Nana took Martin out of the ring. Andretti went for a dive onto Liona but Liona caught him and sent him into the barricade.

Gates Of Agony clubbers on Andretti in the corner. Andretti hit a back elbow on Kaun & made the tag out to Martin. Martin fired up on Liona but Liona hits a pop up Samoan Drop. Gates Of Agony hits a tag team combo in the corner then goes for the cover but Andretti broke up the pin.

Andretti got caught by Liona, but Martin dove into both to send Liona down. Kaun got the knees up on a springboard 450 splash for a near fall. Andretti hits a Spanish Fly but Nana got on the apron to distract the referee.

Andretti tried fighting off Gates Of Agony but they caught him with their tandem slam to score the win.

Winners: 6 Man Tag Team Champions Gates Of Agony

6 Man Tag Team Match
The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) & Stu Grayson vs. Macrae Martin, Rip Impact & Zak Patterson

The Righteous team got a jump start from Code Of Honor then Stu Grayson hits a spinning uranage to Rip Impact before they hits a triple team slam for the quick win.

Winners: The Righteous & Stu Grayson

Tag Team Match
The Boys (Brandon Tate & Brent Tate) vs. Big Bill & Lee Moriarty 

Lee Moriarty starts this match off with Brent Tate & he uses his technical skills to control the match before a misdirection with a tag allowed The Boys to double team Moriarty for a near fall. Moriarty got a tag out to Big Bill & neither Brandon & Brent Tate wanted to fight.

Brent got on Brandon’s shoulders only leading to Big Bill booting them down. Bill sent Brandon flying on a tornado DDT attempt then squashes him with a splash before booting Brent down.

Bill tags Moriarty in but Brent tags in and ran wild & The Boys hit dives on Moriarty but Bill caught Brandon and chokeslams him on the apron then Moriarty hit a leg lariat on Brent to score the win.

Winners: Big Bill & Lee Moriarty 

Proving Ground Match
Women’s Champion Athena vs. Seleziya Sparx

Athena dropkicks Seleziya Sparx on the Code Of Honor before Sparx caught Athena on a crossbody and hit a body slam. Sparx ran wild by hitting a lariat for a 1 count. Athena caught Sparx with an exploder suplex then she drills Sparx in the corner with a forearm before hitting a knockout elbow to score the win.

Winner: Women’s Champion Athena

After the match Athena attacks Sparx and sent her face first into the Women’s Title.

On his way to the ring Tony Nese took to the mic to insult JD Drake’s weight before Nese offers a group workout but Drake took the mic to say that he wouldn’t eat any of Canada’s food anyway. Mark Briscoe came to the ring with a mic in his hand. He said that after talking with Tony Khan, Briscoe has been added to the match, making this a Triple Threat Match.

Triple Threat Match
Mark Briscoe vs. JD Drake vs. Tony Nese

Briscoe ran wild on both Nese & Drake before hitting a chair assisted dive to the floor. Nese moves out of the way of a Froggy Bow with Drake dropping Briscoe with a lariat. Nese & Drake teamed up on Briscoe even while disagreeing on how to do it.

Briscoe fired up but walked into a Bossman Slam from Drake then goes for the cover Nese broke up the pin & that starts an argument between them but Briscoe fired up on both of them by hitting a uranage on Drake.

Nese cut Briscoe off on the top rope but Drake sent Nese to the mat. Briscoe cuts Drake off leading to Nese hitting a sunset flip powerbomb. Briscoe hits Froggy Bow but Nese tries to steal the pin but Briscoe cuts him off and hits Jay Driller on Nese to score win.

Winner: Mark Briscoe

We got a video package recapping Eddie Kingston and his NJPW Strong Openweight Title victory on July 5th. Kingston says that due to his entry in this year’s G1 Climax, he won’t be able to be at Death Before Dishonor. He says that Claudio Castagnoli isn’t off the hook. Kingston challenges Mark Briscoe to go for the ROH World Title at Death Before Dishonor and win it.

We cut to Renee Paquette backstage with Mark Briscoe. Paquette said that Tony Khan would give Briscoe the ROH World Title shot if he wanted it. Briscoe accepted the ROH World Title shot, saying that he wanted to follow in his brother Jay’s footsteps. ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli enters the frame and told Briscoe not to listen to Eddie Kingston. He said that he had to show Eddie Kingston his limits and that he will show Briscoe his limits as well. Castagnoli offers a handshake which Briscoe accepted and told him not to get his hopes up.

Diamante vs. Vanessa Kraven

Diamante cuts down Vanessa Kraven at the knee but Kraven hits a barge attack. Kraven sends Diamante out of the ring with a fallaway slam. Kraven follows Diamante to the floor and hits chops but chops the post.

Back in the ring Diamante hit a drop toe hold into the turnbuckle before hitting the hesitation dropkick for a near fall. Diamante hit a wheelbarrow stunner and a Code Red for the win.

Winner: Diamante

Fatal 6 Way Match
6 Man Tag Team Champion Brian Cage vs. Josh Woods vs. Dalton Castle vs. Shane Taylor vs. Trent Seven vs. Willie Mack

We got a brawl to start this match off then in the ring Josh Woods & Trent Seven traded chops before Seven drops him with a DDT then Willie Mack took Seven down with a running kick. Mack hit a standing moonsault before Shane Taylor drops him with a headbutt.

Brian Cage caught Taylor with a superkick and a tornado DDT then Dalton Castle kept getting fired out of the ring before Woods hit a suplex on Cage before Castle finally sent someone else to the floor.

We got a big strike flurry from everyone before Taylor drops Castle with a rope hung stunner. Seven hits 7 Star Lariat on Taylor but Woods caught Seven with a Doctor Bomb before we get everyone hits their moves spot then Cage grabs Seven and hits an inside out superplex to everyone on the floor.

Mack caught Cage with a dive of his own then Mack hits a frog splash on Cage then goes for the cover but Nana grabs Cage’s boot and put it on the ropes.

Seven hit a Sidewinder Slam on Mack for a near fall. Mack recovers and hit Stunners on everyone in sight but Cage caught him with a tights assisted roll up for the win.

Winner: 6 Man Tag Team Champion Brian Cage

6 Person Tag Team Match
The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) & Leyla Hirsch vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) & Trish Adora

Mike Bennett & Shawn Dean trades chops to start then Dean took control with arm drags and chops before tagging in Carlie Bravo. Matt Taven tags in but got caught with a double team from the Infantry. Taven tags Leyla Hirsch in forcing Adora to come in.

Adora used her technical skill to handle Hirsch but Hirsch used a German suplex to take control. Hirsch avoids the Lariat Tubman but Adora caught her with a short range lariat.

Bravo tags in and ran wild on the opposing men then hits a misdirection neckbreaker on Bennett for a near fall. Dean tags in and hits a double team uranage for a near fall that got broken up by Taven. Bennett tags out to Hirsch but Adora beat her to the punch and sent Bennett to the floor.

Dean hit a huge dive to Bennett on the floor but Taven cut off Bravo and hit a dive onto all 3 men on the floor. Maria & Mike Bennett ran interference allowing Hirsch to catch Adora in an armbar to score the win.

Winners By Submission: The Kingdom & Leyla Hirsch

After the match Lexy Nair met up with Hirsch in the back. Hirsch said The Kingdom needed someone legit and that she was here to stay in ROH.