Charlotte Flair Addresses Fan Criticism, Her WWE Hiatus and More

Charlotte Flair recently did an interview with Here are the highlights.

Criticism that she disappears when she’s not in the title picture: “I’m very shy on social media and consistent with the same message of women’s empowerment, so much so that even when my character has leaned more toward the bad guy side, I’ve kept my social media positive. I think the issue is one person can only take so much for so long. It kind of felt like open season on me. To say that I disappear, the reason that got me so fired up, was complete and utter BS. You don’t have to like me, I don’t have to be your favorite, you don’t have to even think I’m good, but to question my work ethic and what I have given to this business is not fair.”

Her title opportunities: “It’s almost like you get into the business and say you don’t want to be world champion. You don’t get into the business saying that. You might not like the sports team that’s always making the championships, but that shouldn’t discredit the person. I got to a point where I wondered if I should apologize to people. If someone else was getting these opportunities would they feel sorry for me? [Critics] don’t know the time I’ve put into what I’m doing. Damn right I’m going to take every opportunity. Who in their right mind wouldn’t take these opportunities just so they can make these people feel better? I have to tell myself that sometimes.

Being gone from television: “As much as I love the non-stop pressure and the schedule, decompressing actually took a couple of weeks. Part of me realized that the show could go on without me. As a performer that’s also hard. Seeing the show go on and noticing that everyone is replaceable. When you’re used to that grind, letting myself just decompress overall will be better for my mind, my body and my career long-term.”

Thoughts on the Thunderdome: “When I walked out at the pay-per-view at TLC, I was just blown away by the innovativeness of the ThunderDome. It really does feel like a crowd. It’s not as loud and you’re not able to connect in the same way you could by making eye contact with someone, but you can still feel the interaction with the fans because of the noise. Is it the same thing? No, but for how much time and effort that we have put into trying to have our audience be a part of what we’re doing, it’s incredible.”