Eric Bischoff On Will Ospreay: “He’s An Amazing Talent And He Has Amazing Potential”

WWE Hall of Famer and former WCW President Eric Bischoff took to an episode of his 83 Weeks podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including AEW star Will Ospreay.

Bischoff said, “I don’t know Will Ospreay. I am super impressed with what I’ve seen of him so far, super impressed what I feel his potential could be. I’m not sure he’s going to realize it in AEW because nobody else that’s come in there has, but he’s an amazing talent and has amazing potential. If he took it personally, I understand that. It’s human nature. I can’t criticize someone for being human.”

“I kind of wish he would have been a little more creative if you’re going to take a shot at someone. I’m going to just set aside the whole issue of even acknowledging the competition for right now. If I’m Will Osprey and I’m new to this market as he is, and I’m trying to build a following, which he is, and he’s going to need to because he doesn’t have one, because AEW doesn’t really have one, not the following they want to have, let’s put it that way. The last thing I want to do is take a shot at Paul Levesque coming off the massive success of WrestleMania, the undeniable critical acclaim that WWE is enjoying for their creative and how quickly they’ve turned it around in such a short period of time. Maybe a year, or two. Maybe a year and a half. The last thing I would say is, ‘The only reason the guy got his job is because of… anything.’ Especially the shot at Stephanie. I get it. There are times when I popped off when I wished I hadn’t, or when I popped off and wished I would have just been better at it. This is probably a time that, perhaps Will felt justified and popped off, but hopefully, wish he was just a little bit better at it because if you’re down here and you’re punching way the f**k up, if you need binoculars to try to hit the chin you’re punching up to, be good at it. Don’t say something childish, particularly that everybody looks at and hears it goes. ‘Really?’”

“Paul Levesque had been in the business for how long? The success that he’s achieved as a performer, what he’s learned and what he’s accomplished. It’s not like Paul Levesque and I are best friends. It just is what it is, folks, unless you’re a complete fu**ing moron and you’re so beyond yourself that you can’t see things correctly. If you can’t look at what’s happened under Paul Levesque leadership over the last year, year and a half or however long it’s been now, then there’s nothing I’m gonna say that’s going to matter to you, so just move along. Popping off is one thing, but when you’re punching up, be good at it. If you have to do it, be good at it because otherwise you look kind of low rent and there’s no reason for a guy like Will Ospreay with so much potential to do that kind of self-inflicted damage.”

You can check out the complete podcast below.