Line-Up For Next Week’s Episode Of TNA iMPACT On AXS TV

TNA Wrestling announced four matches and two segments for its weekly television program on AXS TV next week.

It was announced that Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth will take on ABC (Ace Austin and Chris Bey) in a tag team match, Dani Luna will face Tasha Steelz in a singles match, one-half of the TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Champions Masha Slamovich will go up against Marti Belle in a non-title match, and Mike Santana will battle The Rascalz’s Zachary Wentz in singles action.

But the excitement doesn’t end with the matches. Next week’s TNA iMPACT on AXS TV will also see the enigmatic ‘Broken’ Matt Hardy extend a mysterious invitation to The System, inviting them into the Hardy Compound. And if that’s not enough to pique your interest, Steph De Lander is set to give PCO his answer, leaving us all wondering what her response will be.