Mike Santana Discusses Working With Steve Maclin

TNA Wrestling star Mike Santana recently spoke with Fightful on a number of topics including working with fellow TNA star Steve Maclin.

Santana said, “When I was told that I was going to work with Maclin, I embraced it so much because I knew his story and what he’s gone through and taking a similar path,” Santana said. “There was no better person for me to work with than with him. We’re both two hungry dudes that are ready and willing to prove ourselves at any time. He’s a pros pro. He’s a great worker and I’m thankful I got to have my first match with him and we’re still doing this feud.”

“We both have similar mindsets. Everything came together the way it was supposed to and I’m thankful for that. I look forward to continue to work with him. He’s a tough dude, the same way I am. I love that we can go into these matches know we’re going to kick each other’s ass.”

You can check out Santana’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)