NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 6 Results – May 19, 2024

NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors Night 6 Results – May 19, 2024

Location: Nagoya Japan
Venue: Nagoya Congress Center

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Drilla Moloney (4) vs. Francesco Akira (4)

Drilla Moloney immediately kicked at the damaged left knee.

He grapevined the leg and twisted it on the mat. Moloney kicks Francesco Akira in the head.

He re applied the leg hold and Akira taps out.

Winner By Submission: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Drilla Moloney (6) (4:38)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Bushi (2) vs. Kosei Fujita (4)

Kosei Fujita hits a flip dive onto Bushi to start the match.

In the ring Bushi hits a basement dropkick and a stiff kick to the spine.

Fujita hits a springboard dropkick for a near fall then a running Penalty Kick for another near fall then hits a German suplex for a near fall.

Bushi hit a dropkick and they were both down before Bushi hits a 2nd rope MX for the win.

Winner: Bushi (4) (5:32)
Rate: 5

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Douki (4) vs. Dragon Dia (0)

Dia must win or he is eliminated.

Dragon Dia hits some quick kicks before Douki hits a northern lights suplex for a near fall.

Dia hit an Asai Moonsault to the floor then in the ring he hits a modified Death Valley Driver and was in control of the offense.

Dia went for a slingshot twisting press but Douki caught him and applied the Douki Chokey.

Douki hits a clothesline then Dia got a Crucifix Driver for a near fall then Dia hits an enzuigiri.

Douki applied a full nelson and turned it into Suplex De La Luna to score the win.

Winner: Douki (6) (5:28) (Since Dia lost he is mathematically eliminated) 
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Kevin Knight (6) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (2)

Yoshinobu Kanemaru attacks Kevin Knight as Knight entered the ring before he even got his jacket off. Knight hit a dropkick.

They went to the floor where Kanemaru hit a basement dropkick on the knee then he slams the knee onto the mat at ringside.

In the ring Kanemaru applied a Figure 4 but Knight reached the ropes.

Kanemaru kept him grounded on the mat. Knight hit some clotheslines and was fired up.

He hits Sky High then a splash for a near fall. Kanemaru hits another dropkick to the knee.

Knight hits a 2nd rope clothesline for a near fall.

Kanemaru shoved the ref into Knight then he hit an enzuigiri on Knight.

He got his whiskey bottle and sprayed it in Knight’s face then again applied the Figure 4  and Knight taps out.

Winner By Submission: Yoshinobu Kanemaru (4) (6:50)
Rate: 5

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Kushida (6) vs. Taiji Ishimori (6)

Match starts off with a lock up and standing switches before Kushida rolls him up with his feet around the neck for the win.

Winner: Kushida (8) (2:33)
Rate: 6

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors (4) vs. Titan (6)

Clark Connors & Titan immediately traded forearm strikes.

They rolled to the floor and up the risers and into the lower seating.

Back at ringside Connors whips Shoma Kato into Titan then he rips at Titan’s mask.

Titan rolled back into the ring at the 17 count.

Titan hit a Pele Kick then he dove through the ropes onto Connors.

In the ring they traded forearm strikes while on their knees then while standing.

Connors nails Jeep Flip then Titan hits a spinning heel kick then a tornado DDT.

Titan hits a clothesline into the corner then Connors yanked off the mask and rolls away from Titan.

As Titan put it back on Connors hit a spear then No Chaser for the win.

Winner: Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors (6) (7:52)
Rate: 6

Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Hiromu Takahashi (4) vs. Ninja Mack (4)

Ninja Mack insisted they start the match on their knees and they shook hands then had an intense lockup while still on their knees.

Hiromu Takahashi went for a hurricanrana but Mack rotated and landed on his feet.

Takahashi hits a basement dropkick for a near fall then they traded chops while back on their knees.

Takahashi applied a leg lock around the neck and kept Mack grounded.

Mack tries to hit Sasuke Special to the floor but Takahashi avoided it.

Mack powerbombed Takahashi onto the edge of the ring.

Mack hits a top rope flying headbutt for a near fall.

Mack went for Ninja Bomb but Hiromu got his knees up.

Takahashi hits Time Bomb for a near fall before Mack got a backslide for a near fall.

Takahashi again went for a headscissors takedown but Mack again landed on his feet.

Takahashi locks in D and Mack quickly taps out

Winner By Submission: Hiromu Takahashi (6) (9:10)
Rate: 7

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
TJP (0) vs. Hayata (4)

TJP must win or he’s eliminated.

TJP immediately grapevined the left leg as they traded mat reversals.

TJP hits a European uppercut before Hayata hits a plancha to the floor.

Back in the ring Hayata grounded TJP. TJP snapped Hayata’s left arm backward then he hits 3 consecutive rolling snap suplexes. He hit a face wash running kick in the corner.

He tied Hayata in the tree of woe and hit a double stomp to the collarbone for a near fall.

Hayata avoids Mamba Splash and he hit an enzuigiri. Hayata hit a shotgun dropkick then a moonsault for a near fall.

TJP hits a spinning heel kick to the jaw and they were both down.

They traded forearm strikes before TJP hits a suplex and a DDT and he was fired up.

He hit a running knee for a near fall then went for the Mamba Splash but Hayata got his knees up.

Hayata hits 403 Impact for a near fall and he was stunned he didn’t win there.

Hayata sets up for 403 Impact but TJP got an inside cradle for the win.

Winner: TJP (2) (13:01)
Rate: 6

Non Title Block B Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
Junior Heavyweight Champion Sho (4) vs. Robbie Eagles (4)

Sho & Robbie Eagles fought on the floor and along a wall far from ringside.

Sho drops Eagles ribs first across the top of an open chair.

Back in the ring Sho tied up Eagles on the mat then hits a gutbuster over his knee for a near fall.

Eagles hits a dropkick on Sho’s left knee then hits some Yes Kicks.

Yujiro Takahashi trips Eagles before Sho accidentally hit Takahashi.

Eagles hit a flip dive through the ropes onto Sho.

In the ring Eagles hit a springboard dropkick on the damaged knee and got a near fall.

He did a 619 move and a running double knees then he went back to twisting Sho’s damaged left knee.

Sho pushed the ref into the middle of the ring allowing him to hit a spear.

He hits Shock Arrow for a near fall.

Eagles hits some kicks and a Sliced Bread for a near fall then locks in Ron Miller Special.

The bell rang and Eagles released the hold but of course it was Takahashi who rang the bell.

Sho was laughing at Eagles then kicks him & he collided with the ref.

Takahashi hops in the ring and helps beat up Eagles.

Eagles hits forearm strikes on both men then Kosei Fujita hit a springboard dropkick on Takahashi.

Fujita & Eagles hits a double team slam on Sho & Fujita shoved the ref back into the ring.

Eagles hits Hyperion for the win.

Winner: Robbie Eagles (6) (14:40)
Rate: 4

Block A Match Of The 2024 Best Of The Super Juniors
El Desperado (4) vs. Blake Christian (8)

Match starts off with some standing switches and a feeling out process early on.

Blake Christian hits an eye poke before El Desperado twisted the left ankle on the mat.

Christian hits a springboard clothesline but then he gave the middle finger to the crowd and was booed.

He hits a flip move on the left elbow and Desperado rolls to the floor.

Christian joins him at ringside and twisted the damaged arm.

He jabbed a chair onto the elbow then twisted Desperado’s arm in a guardrail.

Blake ran on the floor and did a summersault over the guardrail and barreled onto Desperado.

They finally got back into the ring with Christian still in charge as he hit a half nelson suplex.

He set up for a Curb Stomp to the head but Desperado avoided it and Desperado hit a Blue Thunder Driver then a brainbuster for a near fall.

He began twisting Christian’s ankle again and he applied Numeros Dos leg lock behind his head.

Christian leapt off the top rope and stomped on Desperado’s elbow then he snaps the damaged arm across the top rope.

Christian hits a flip dive over the top rope but he clutched at his own knee upon landing.

Desperado leapt back into the ring at the 19 count.

Christian hits a springboard 450 Splash onto the back for a near fall and he applied a Fujiwara Armbar and cranked back on it but Desperado reached the ropes.

They traded forearm strikes while on their knees then while standing.

Christian hits an enzuigiri then went for Curb Stomp but Desperado turned it into a spinebuster.

Desperado couldn’t hit Pinche Loco.

Christian hits a Pele Kick on the damaged arm and a jumping knee to the nose.

Desperado hits Jay Driller then Pinche Loco for the win.

Winner: El Desperado (6) (18:11)
Rate: 7

Standings After Night 6

Block A

1st Place- Blake Christian (8 Points) (4-1)

2nd Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Clark Connors, El Desperado, Kevin Knight & Titan (6 Points) (3-2)

3rd Place- Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Kosei Fujita, Hayata & Bushi (4 Points) (2-3)

Last Place- TJP (2 Points) (1-4)

Block B

1st Place- Kushida (8 Points) (4-1)

2nd Place- Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Drilla Moloney, Hiromu Takahashi, Taiji Ishimori, Robbie Eagles & Douki (6 Points) (3-2)

3rd Place- Junior Heavyweight Champion Sho, Francesco Akira & Ninja Mack (4 Points) (2-3)

Last Place- Dragon Dia (0 Points) (0-5) (Eliminated)