Rhino Discusses The Best Gore He Ever Hit

TNA Wrestling star Rhino recently spoke with Chris Van Vliet on a number of topics including the best Gore he ever hit.

Rhino said, “Believe it or not one of the best Gore I’ve ever hit on someone was in Cadillac, Michigan. It wasn’t for WWE. WWE used to go up there a lot in the 90s. Then they grew out of the building. And then we went back there. They just added it to a little bit was sold out. Big Show and Rey were in the main event. And it was for an independent group that we had probably about 900 people there. And Sabu was on the card too. And the guy’s name was Gameboy, but I still see him really cool dude. And I don’t know what it was, but you could probably find it out there. It was so gnarly. I literally thought I was sending them to the hospital.”

He also talked about hitting Chris Jericho with a vicious Gore through the WWE SmackDown set.

“When they told me they’re like, Hey, we’re getting the set can you do something? I’m like, this ain’t gonna be memorable. But that is probably one of the most memorable moments. I think it hurt him more than a table [bump] but Jericho is tough, he can handle it. He’s like bring it.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.