In an interview with Ring Rust Radio, Ric Flair provided a medical update on his daughter Charlotte Flair:
“She’s doing great, she of course is climbing the walls. I just got a text from her about a half-hour ago, ‘Dad, I’m going crazy.’ She is so intense and so invested in our business, in the product, in her work ethic. This surgery was something that had to take place.
Personally, I wish she had done it earlier, but she would never ever leave without fulfilling what she felt she had to do. This was something that was bad. … Nobody made her stay, nobody did anything. She’s never going to ever be any less than 100 percent committed to the success of the company and her career and her involvement. She’s doing great, but she’s missing every second of it. She does not know how to turn it off. But that’s what makes her how great she is. She can have the greatest match in the world and she won’t rest on those laurels for one second.
She’s a walking, talking highlight reel. And when she’s not working, she dresses immaculately, spends the money, she invests in her gimmick. She’s not crazy like me. She’s not wasting her money on cars and s–t like that, but when it comes to her appearance, she’s gonna look like a champion. You want a champion, she is a champion.”
(quotes courtesy of