During an interview with the Into The Danger Zone w/ Chris Denker podcast, former WWE star Tegan Nox talked about her departure from the company:
“As we can see watching the product now, it’s very much [the] Diva era coming back. I just always felt like I was always on the chopping block even if I could wrestle. I was not as much of a personality or character for them. I’m in more of a firing lineup here. Like I could do one thing wrong, and I could be gone the next week. Everyone’s walking on eggshells. You don’t want to step out of line just in case something could go wrong which luckily I guess I didn’t really do anything wrong.”
“I just didn’t fit in the demographic is my true belief. Nothing to do with budget cuts. I just didn’t fit the look or the idea of what they wanted for their female wrestlers.”