The Sandman Recalls Working As A Chippendale Dancer After He Got Out Of Jail

The premiere episode of ECW legend The Sandman’s podcast is now available on Sandman told some pre-ECW stories, including the time he spent in jail before getting out and working as a Chippendale dancer:

“Dude, this is a straight honest to God shoot, “Sandman said. “I get out of jail in 1984. I was in jail from January 23 to July 7, and I was in the hole the whole time because my first day in there, I punched the guard in the face and then they threw me in the hole. I was only supposed to be in there for like 60 days, but I ended up in there for six months in the hole.”

“I get out of prison and there’s this big club that just opened up or outside of the suburbs of Philadelphia. It was called Pulsations. They had the dancers there. The only places you could get them in America was in Philadelphia at Pulsations or Studio 54. So I’m dancing in that club on a Wednesday night. It was like 10 bucks all you can drink. There’s like 2,500 people in this place. I’m on the dance floor. This good looking blonde comes up to me. She grabbed me by the hand and she starts walking me away. I’m like, All right, well, I’m in. We ended up going through the kitchen and stuff like that. I’m like, obviously this girl works here. I guess I’m gonna go do her in her office. I swear to God this is exactly what’s going through my head. So we get up into her office. She goes behind the table and sits there in the seat and says, ‘Take your shirt off.’ I’m like okay. I guess she wants to be in control. I take the shirt off and then she starts writing down on business cards. I don’t even know if anyone even knows what a business card is nowadays, but she’s given me like a trainer to go to and this and this and goes, ‘I want you to be a member of the Chippendales.’ I’m like, ‘What?’ I didn’t even know the Chippendales were at the club. I was just there to drink for free just getting out of prison. She’s like, ‘I want you to do this and this. This is your trainer. This is his number. The owner is here tonight and I want you to meet him.’ So she takes me down the hall, walks me into Nick De Noia’s office, the guy that started the Chippendales. He looks right at me and he goes, ‘He’s starting tomorrow night, isn’t he’ and she goes, ‘Yes, he is, sir.’ Next thing you know, I’m a Chippendale.”

You can check out the complete podcast via

(h/t to for the transcription)