The Undertaker Reflects On How WWE Benefited From Their Infamous PG Era

WWE Hall of Famer The Undertaker recently took to an episode of his Six Feet Under podcast, where he talked about a number of topics including how the company benefited from their infamous PG era.

Undertaker said, “It opened the door for bigger high-end sponsorship.” “In the Attitude Era nobody would touch us as far as like the Coca-Colas and the Ford Motor Company and all those big brands wouldn’t touch us because we were so edgy, and then once we went to PG then we started getting some more mainline sponsorship.”

“Pre-PG was obviously my favorite, but as a business and then as a business model and moving forward the PG era, it is what it is and it’s about the business and the bottom line.”

You can check out the complete podcast in the video below.