TNA Impact Review – February 29, 2024

TNA Impact Review – February 29, 2024

Steve Maclin vs. Mike Bailey

Steve Maclin & Mike Bailey lock up to get this match start and Maclin grabs Bailey’s leg but Bailey reverses into a roll up for a two count.

Bailey hits combination kicks and Maclin gets out of the ring.

Bailey & Maclin hit forearms on each other outside the ring and get back in the ring to avoid the count out.

Maclin clotheslines Bailey over the top rope to the outside and The Rascalz lay out Bailey.

Maclin throws Bailey back inside the ring and kicks Bailey’s leg before Maclin hits a forearm for a two count.

Maclin places Bailey on the top rope in a hanging position and runs towards him but Bailey moves out of the way. Maclin goes to the outside and Bailey hits a Swanton to the outside.

Maclin & Bailey on the apron and they exchange chops then Maclin clotheslines Bailey into the ring and Bailey sweeps his leg.

Bailey goes for the moonsault double knee but Maclin moves out of the way and spears Bailey from inside the ring.

Bailey looks for a tornado kick but Trey Miguel distracts him and Maclin hits Mayhem For All for a two count. Maclin goes for the KIA but Trent Seven distracts Maclin.

Bailey goes for the Tornado Kick but Maclin catches him and hits a buckle bomb and goes for another powerbomb but Bailey hits a poisonrana.

Bailey goes for Ultima Weapon but Maclin moves out of the way and goes for KIA but Bailey reverses it into a northern lights suplex for a two count. Maclin hits KIA for the win.

Winner: Steve Maclin

After the match Maclin says this is what he does best. He says he continues to take people out and that’s exactly why he took out Nic Nemeth. He asks where Nemeth is. He says Nemeth doesn’t even show up to work. He says Nemeth is a leech and is going to suck this place and make opportunity elsewhere. Nemeth shows up on the big screen and says the only reason he is not in New Orleans kicking his ass and that is because he is the IWGP Global Champion. He says he is coming back at Sacrifice and challenges Maclin at Sacrifice.

Jake Something vs. Laredo Kid

Jake Something hits a big right hand on Laredo Kid and goes for Into The Void but Kid reverses it into a superkick.

Something goes for a spear in the corner but Kid moves out of the way.

Kid goes to the top rope for a moonsault but Something moves out of the way.

Kid hits a spike DDT for a one count then hits a moonsault for a two count.

Kid gets a roll up for a two count before Something hits Into The Void for the win.

Winner: Jake Something

We see Kon backstage & Alan Angels walks up to him. Kon asks why he is late. Angels introduces everyone to his talk show The Sound Check. He says he brought the best security that money can buy. He says Kon beat PCO and he has his own talk show and they’re both doing great stuff. Kon says after No Surrender PCO may still be dead. PCO shows up and he throws Alan Angels out of the way. Kon & PCO punch each other and the segment ends.

Before the match Joe Hendry gets on the mic and says tonight is the TNA in ring debut of AJ Francis. He says Francis & him haven’t always gotten along but his family is watching on TV and the pressure is running high and the last thing Francis wants to do is flop. He says he doesn’t want anyone to chant AJ sucks. The fans chant AJ sucks. He says the other thing they like to chant is We believe. The fans chant We believe. He says what they believe in is Joe Hendry.

Tag Team Match
AJ Francis & Deaner vs. Joe Hendry & Rich Swann

AJ Francis hits a big boot on Joe Hendry before Hendry picks up Francis on his shoulders but drops him due to his weight. Francis picks up Hendry but Hendry reverses it into a DDT.

Deaner & Rich Swann get the tag and Swann hits Deaner with kicks followed by a running splash then a cover but Francis breaks up the pin.

Francis charges at Swann but Swann pulls down the ropes and Swann falls outside.

Hendry hits Deaner with Standing Ovation for the win.

Winners: Joe Hendry & Rich Swann

We see a vignette for Decay where Havok says Decay had an element of surprise. She says they are patient which is why they’ve come to a city like New Orleans. Rosemary says here if they get a gift they have to say thanks.

We see a graphic that says Alexander Hammerstone has been signed.

Gia Miller talks to Josh Alexander backstage about Alexander vs. Hammerstone 2 that has been booked. Dirty Dango comes in and plugs his wrestling school. Alexander says he’ll talk to management for a match between them both.

The Good Hands are in the ring wearing suits and they introduce new X Division Champion Mustafa Ali. Mustafa Ali comes to the ring and he says he’s here to make his 1st executive order. Chris Sabin’s music hits and he tells Ali to stand in front of him like a man. Sabin says change is about showing people that they can accomplish great things in this world as long as they believe in themselves. He says for him, change is all about himself. He says if Ali didn’t have The Good Hands he would still be X Division champion. Ali says they aren’t with him because he paid them they’re here because they support the campaign. Sabin says he’s not a politician, he’s not here to debate, all he’s here to do is fight. They get into a fight and Jett Setters run to the ring to even the odds. Mustafa Ali & The Good Hands exit the ring.

George Iceman makes his way out and says he has a humongous announcement. He introduces Ash By Elegance who makes here entrance. George Iceman asks Ash what this huge announcement is. Ash says next week she will have her 2nd match and says they’re welcome. George Iceman tells us to get ready for some elegance.

Mustafa Ali is backstage and asks what just happened. He says Sabin & Jett Setters ruined his inauguration that was paid for by campaign funds. He says actions have consequences and leaves.

Knockouts Title #1 Contenders Match
Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside

Tasha Steelz gets Xia Brookside in a headlock but Brookside fights out of it and hits a clotheslines followed by a hurricanrana and double knees in the corner.

Brookside goes for a cutter but Steelz pushes her in the corner. Brookside goes for Brooksy Bomb but Steelz fights out of it.

Steelz goes to the outside if the ring and Brookside hits a running basement dropkick on Steelz on the outside.

Brookside & Steelz fights outside the ring and the referee counts to 10 for the double count out.

Winner & #1 Contender To The Knockouts Title: No One (Double Count Out)

After the match Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace comes out and says that she has seen enough and she will face them both in a Triple Threat Match for the Knockouts Title at Sacrifice.

Rhino with a backstage promo and he says he will hit Digital Media Champion Crazzy Steve with the Gore.

6 Man Tag Team Match
TNA World Tag Team Champions ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) & Eric Young vs. The System (TNA World Champion Moose, Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers)

Brian Myers gets Ace Austin in a headlock as Austin tries to get to his corner but Myers hits him with a knee.

Austin hits a spin kick and gets the tag to Eric Young & hits a Death Valley Driver on Eddie Edwards. He goes for the pin but Myers goes to break it up and falls onto Edwards.

Young hits a Death Valley Driver on Myers onto Edwards and gets a 2 count then Young & Edwards get into a chop battle.

Young & Edwards clothesline each other but Chris Bey & Moose get the tag.

Bey hits a Swanton on Moose on the outside but Moose catches him and powerbombs him onto the apron. Austin hits Moose with a kick from the apron and Young hits a Suicide Dive.

Bey tries to clothesline Moose but Moose hits a pump kick then ABC hit 1,2 Sweet and go for the cover but Edwards breaks up the pin. Myers kicks Eric out of the ring.

Austin hits a spin kick off the top rope. Moose hits a pump kick on Bey followed by a backpack Stunner by Edwards and an elbow drop by Brian Myers for the win.

Winners: The System

Next Week’s Impact

X Division Title Match
Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Kevin Knight

Knockouts Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich vs. Dani Luna

Ash By Elegance vs. TBD

Josh Alexander vs. Dirty Dango

Sacrifice Card So Far (March 8th)

TNA World Title Match
Moose (c) vs. Eric Young

Nic Nemeth vs. Steve Maclin

Knockouts Title Triple Threat Match
Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Xia Brookside vs. Tasha Steelz

Josh Alexander vs. Alex Hammerstone

6 Man Tag Team Match
X Division Champion Mustafa Ali & The Good Hands (Jason Hotch & John Skyler) vs. Jett Setters (Kevin Knight & Kushida) & Chris Sabin

TNA World Tag Team Titles Match
ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) (c) vs. The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers)