AEW Big Business Review – March 13, 2024

AEW Big Business Review – March 13, 2024

Kicking off Big Business with Renee Paquette in the back introducing us to the show but she gets interrupted by a vehicle driving in but we don’t see who gets out of the car.

Mercedes Mone gets on the mic and says she’s home. She continues that they will be creating so many memories together as the fans are the reason why she is there and thanks them. Mone says wrestling has changed her life and brings up Eddie Guerrero for helping her live her dreams and start a women’s revolution. She talks about dropping out of school to take care of her brother and at 18 years old going to Chaotic Wrestling to learn how to wrestle and if she can do it you can do it too.

She says it’s time to get down to business and the reason why she’s here is because she needs to be here and AEW is the only place where this revolution could be global and they will make it happen. She mentions wanting to face those in the locker room and brings up tonight’s main event of Riho vs. Willow Nightingale and says she has a lot of unfinished business with Nightingale but right now, Mercedes Mone’ is All Elite as we see the graphic on the screen. Mone’ thanks Tony Khan for the tweet and tells everyone to please say hello to the CEO.

Backstage Renee Paquette is with AEW World Champion Samoa Joe & he says tonight feels like money but Wardlow doesn’t feel different and he talks about this being the biggest mistake in Wardlow’s career and Joe doesn’t lose titles in the Garden.

We get a video for Undisputed Kingdom that shows Adam Cole in a study reading a story about Wardlow from a book and talks about Wardlow being locked and hidden and the only way to free him is for him to slay many beasts but something is missing. Cole says Wardlow found brotherhood bound in Undisputed Kingdom and goes over the Wardlow & Joe match in the way of a fairytale where he talks about the prophecy being fulfilled and the Kingdom becoming whole.

AEW World Title Match
Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow

Wardlow goes right after Samoa Joe to start the match and takes him outside where he sends Joe into the barricade.

Wardlow stays in control sending Joe back inside and keeping him in the corner with shoulder blocks.

Joe is able to come back with a back elbow and enzuigiri in the corner as Wardlow is stumbling on the ropes from that.

They head to the rope as Wardlow pushes Joe off and hits him with a corkscrew dive as we head to picture in picture.

After the break Wardlow fakes out Joe from the corner and hits a shoulder block.

They continue back & forth as Joe goes to hit Muscle Buster just for Wardlow to get out but he collapses right away from his knee injury just for it to be a way to distract the referee as he gauges Joe’s eyes puts him on the corner and hits him with the knee to the face for a two count.

Joe dodges a senton and starts hitting t10 punches in the corner just for Wardlow to stop him and hit a powerbomb.

Bit of back & forth as Joe jumps on Wardlow’s back with the Coquina Clutch until the referee calls off the match

Winner By Submission & Still AEW World Champion: Samoa Joe (11:08) (STILL CHAMPION!!!)
Rate: 7

After the match we see Prince Nana & Swerve Strickland trying to make their way to the ring but security stops them just for Strickland to take them all out with a chain but Joe leaves the ring as he enters.

We see footage from earlier today with Alex Marvez trying to get a word with The Elite ahead of their match tonight. Marvez asks Kazuchika Okada why he is affiliated with The Elite but Nicholas Jackson stops Marvez and tells him to call him by his full name. Matthew Jackson says they have synergy with 14 years of friendship and they helped each other at their lowest of lows and he can give 14 million more reasons why he chose The Elite. Okada calls out Death Triangle & Eddie Kingston then forces Marvez to sing Happy Birthday to Matthew.

Trios Match
Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & Death Triangle (Pentagon Jr & PAC) vs. The Elite (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson & Kazuchika Okada) 

Kazuchika Okada & Eddie Kingston start the match and go face 2 face before Okada to immediately tag out to Matthew Jackson.

Matthew asks for a fist bump but Kingston gives a chop instead and tags out to PAC.

Matthew tries it again but gets a kick from PAC before Death Triangle start double teaming on Nicholas Jackson before Matthew comes in and gets double teamed as well with a stomp from Pentagon to the lower region.

Kingston & Okada tag in and start trading chops and punches before Okada drops Kingston with a dropkick.

The Elite continues to triple team on Kingston as we go to picture in picture.

After the break Pentagon is delivering sling blades to everyone before fighting Okada in the corner and tagging in PAC & he comes in with a missile dropkick.

PAC continues with a 450 Splash on Matthew then a cover but Okada is there to break it up.

Everybody starts going at it in the ring including a Destroyer from Pentagon to Matthew but he gets stopped with a kick.

Nicholas hits a low blow on Kingston followed by Okada hitting the Rainmaker for the win.

Winners: The Elite (12:39)
Rate: 7

After the match Okada raises the Continental Crown while standing over Kingston.

We get a video package promoting next week’s TNT Title I Quit Match on Dynamite.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Will Ospreay ahead of his upcoming match with Bryan Danielson at Dynasty as Schiavone starts to talk to Ospreay as the crowd starts a Bruv chant. Ospreay talks about his entire career he’s been trying to emulate Danielson who left everything in the ring no matter the crowd size. Ospreay brings up how after his match with Kenny Omega everybody talked about the Tiger Driver 91 and how Danielson questioned if it was worth it and Ospreay who stood there as the winner can say Yea bruv it was worth it. Ospreay says this match means more to him than anyone else and brings up the phrase restore the feeling and says how he is the feeling. Ospreay says the one thing he has learned from Danielson is he can have respect for the man that stands opposite from him but the moment they step in the ring it’s his life or mine and he doesn’t plan on dying.

We go to Deonna Purrazzo in the back & says this isn’t over with Toni Storm & Mariah May after they attacked her. If it’s a numbers game they want to play she has no problem finding a partner and meeting them both in Toronto and she will stick around with her partner to watch their match on Rampage.

Darby Allin vs. Jay White

Jay White keeps him in the corner with chops before Darby Allin comes back with a dropkick sending White to the outside where Allin meets him with a Swanton Bomb and continues with a suicide dive on the other side.

They keep fighting on the outside where White hits a suplex to Allin right on top of a seated chair.

White continues by whipping Allin into the steel steps as he flips over into the barricade before we go to picture in picture.

After the break White continues on the attack and even mocks Sting before missing a Stinger Splash in the corner.

They go back & forth with pin attempts including Last Supper that White just kicks out of.

After Allin hits Scorpion Death Drop he goes to hit Coffin Drop to White as he was on the apron and just bounces off and dies on the floor but is able to get back inside just before the 10 count as White is there to meet him with a Blade Runner for the win.

Winner: Jay White (12:17)
Rate: 6

After the match it looks like Jay White is going to shake Allin’s hand after but he just points the gun fingers at him before White & The Gunns start attacking Allin. They drape a chair around his leg and just as White is about to smash him with a bat Trios Champions The Acclaimed’s music hits as they run in with Billy Gunn. All 6 start arguing as White tells them to join in. The Acclaimed go to help Darby out as Billy Gunn starts yelling at White. Billy takes the bat away from White and tosses it away but as Billy turns his back White picks up a chair and takes out Billy with it. The Gunns join in and they take out The Acclaimed as well including a Blade Runner from White to Billy and finally attacking Allin’s leg with the chair and bat.

Tag Team Match
FTW Champion Hook & Chris Jericho vs. Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Hook & Bishop Kaun starts the match but Chris Jericho quickly tags in as they double team on Kaun before Kaun takes Jericho down with a lariat.

Toa Liona tags in and knocks Jericho right off crashing by the commentary table.

Liona continues attacking Jericho as we go to picture in picture.

After the break both teams are going at it with pin attempts before Hook sends Liona to the apron with a German suplex before he gets hit with a lung blower by Kaun for a two count.

Hook puts Redrum on Kaun as Jericho puts on Liontamer before Jericho takes out Liona on the apron and Hook keeps on Redrum as Kaun taps out.

Winners By Submission: FTW Champion Hook & Chris Jericho (8:43)
Rate: 6

Backstage Renee Paquette has a word with O’Reilly & he has had his eyes on Bryan Keith and knows he can bring the best out of him. Undisputed Kingdom interrupts as International Champion Roderick Strong says he has love and respect for O’Reilly and if he wants to do this on his own he can do it on his own.

We see Riho in the back getting ready for the main event before being greeted by Mercedes Mone’ who gives her a hug.

After the break Renee Paquette is in the back with Jericho & Hook as Jericho likes that name and says Hook has future champion written in front of him but he needs to know more and wants to know how it is to be face 2 face with him in the ring and challenges Hook for next week on Dynamite which Hook agrees to.

Willow Nightingale vs. Riho

Willow Nightingale starts the match in control before we go to a picture in picture break.

After the break Nightingale is still in control but Riho tries to fight back and sends Nightingale into the ropes where she meets her with the Tiger Faint Kick.

She heads to the top rope and hits a crossbody.

Riho misses from the top rope and runs right into a pounce from Nightingale & that sends her to the outside. They fight on the outside where Riho hits a double stomp.

Riho follows with a Dragon Suplex and a top rope double stomp for a two count.

We get some back & forth until Nightingale hits Doctor Bomb to get the win.

Winner: Willow Nightingale (9:19)
Rate: 6

After the match the lights go out after and when they come back TBS Champion Julia Hart is staring down Nightingale as Skye Blue shows up from behind to help Hart attack Nightingale. Mercedes Mone’ comes out and takes out Blue on the way to the ring where she takes out Hart. Nightingale raises Mone’s hand and welcomes her to AEW.

Friday’s Rampage 

Tag Team Match
Best Friends (Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta) vs. Dark Order (John Silver & Evil Uno)

Tag Team Match
Women’s Champion Toni Storm & Mariah May vs. Kayla Sparks & LMK

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Komander

Trios Match
Undisputed Kingdom (International Champion Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) vs. Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin) & Action Andretti

Saturday’s Collision

Kyle O’Reilly vs. Bryan Keith

Next Week’s Dynamite

TNT Title I Quit Match
Christian Cage (c) vs. Adam Copeland

Tag Team Match
Women’s Champion Toni Storm & Mariah May vs. Deonna Purrazzo & TBD

Non Title Match
FTW Champion Hook vs. Chris Jericho

Continental Crown Match
Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada

Dynasty Card So Far (April 21st)

Will Ospreay vs. Bryan Danielson