Deonna Purrazzo Addresses Steve Maclin’s TNA Contract Coming Up In May

(Photo Credit: Impact)

Current AEW star and former multi-time TNA Knockouts World Champion Deonna Purrazzo recently spoke with Fightful on a number of topics including her husband Steve Maclin’s contract with TNA coming up in May.

Purrazzo said, “I think it’s both. I think it’s nerve wrecking and it’s also exciting. It’s always good to know that you’re wanted and that you’ve earned the right to ask for a little more or you proved that you’re worth a little bit more. I think the Steve Maclin you saw coming into IMPACT a few years ago versus the Steve Maclin that he is today is two completely different people. I think that his confidence has grown and he now is finding the ability to stand up for himself and say, ‘I deserve a little bit more,’ and not be walked on as much.”

She also talked about her hopes for Maclin going forward.

“Because Steve Kupryk in real life is so sweet and is a teddy bear and is so kind that sometimes he needs that nudge, ‘Hey, stand up for yourself,’ ‘Hey, is this really the best situation for you to be in. Think about it.’ I think he’s taking that role really well. I’m really excited from a business standpoint, because obviously that helps our family, right? But then also, just a wife standpoint, ‘I want to see you live your dreams, too. I want to see you do whatever you think is best for you and is going to make you happy.’ So, yeah, it’s exciting.”

You can check out Purrazzo’s comments in the video below.

(H/T to Fightful for transcribing the above quotes)